Chapter 12

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Lisa’s POV:

I woke up to realize that it was already past 12 in the afternoon and my stomach is now begging me to eat something. I walked down to the kitchen to reheat the breakfast and soup mom made this morning and dug in. I also noticed that I still have a little headache, so I popped the medicine mom placed on the counter before taking a cold shower.

While I was taking a bath, I was thinking of how I can distract myself from thinking about what happened last night. I wanted to busy myself, so I thought about working on dad’s bike but it’s at Jennie’s house so that’s not really a good idea. I also thought about watching a movie, but I find it lonely watching movies alone so nope.

After bath I settled that I’m just gonna hit the gym and while getting ready, I took out my phone to see multiple messages from my friends, including Jennie wishing me to feel better and it made me smile.

Despite of what happened, she’s still Jennie and I have to be honest with myself. The slightest affection she’ll show me can easily fix me because that girl is my whole heart. And she could also easily break me without even knowing but I’d love her still.

I was about to reply to let them know that I’m already okay when another message came and it’s from Nayeon.

I just saw Jennie crying and ran out of school.

I instantly panicked and dressed quickly. Why the hell is my Nini crying?!

I grabbed my car keys and slid inside the car while calling Jisoo to know what happened.

“You guys with Jennie?”

“We’re at the café, she’s in the bathroom crying…” she answered with worry evident on her voice.

“What happened?”

“We’ve no idea Lis…”

“Okay I’m on my way.” I said starting up the car.

“Are you okay now? Drive safe”

“Yeah I’m fine, I’ll see you guys.”

I hang up and drove. My hands clenching the steering wheel tightly with so many thoughts running on my mind. Who ever made her cry is fucking dead I swear!

I parked my car at school and ran to the café because they don’t have any parking space. When I reached the place, I saw my friends at our spot gathering around Jennie whose nose is red and eyes are swollen. I jogged towards her and kneeled before her beauty. With my stare, I let her know that she can tell me everything, that she’s safe, that I’ll protect her in any ways I can until she’s convinced.

My mind’s going crazy with what she’s saying and to say I’m mad is an understatement. As much as I hated that guy, I probably hate myself more right now because I fucking trusted him. I may not like him, but I trusted him with Jennie.

She finished her story with tears streaming down her eyes and I just hate this sight. I just admitted to myself that this girl is my whole heart, and now she’s breaking which means I’m breaking too.

I wiped her tears away and stood up. I looked around to see the girls in shock and hurt because of what they heard. The guys looking at me with clenched jaw and furious eyes and I know we’re all thinking the same, so I kissed Jennie’s forehead and without any words, we walked out of the café.

We reached the school’s parking lot in no time but Kai nor his car is nowhere to be found.

“Hey Park! Have you seen Kai?” Jackson asked when he spotted one of his teammates.

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