Chapter 16

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Lisa's POV:

Wasn't able to handle her last night?!

Won't be able to handle her naked?!

Bitch, you'd be limping right now if I wasn't able to handle myself!

I mumbled making sure she doesn't hear me. The moment she disappeared upstairs, I got up from the couch and got myself a cold water from the kitchen. My God this girl be testing me.

This teasing game of ours isn’t good for me because it always ends with me feeling sexually frustrated and downing the cold water in one go wasn’t enough to calm my hormones.

Splashing some water on my face on the sink, I chuckled when I heard Jennie yell my name in anger all the way from my room. Probably saw the huge ass hickey I placed on her neck. Serves you right, girl!

I walked back to the living room and resumed my spot on the couch, staring at my reflection on the TV.

I almost lost it earlier. Well I already did cause I was about to attack her lips if it weren’t for Nayeon, and I was both disappointed and relieved. So close to tasting her sexy lips but then again, I know she’s not ready yet.

I don’t know how far we would have gone if we weren’t pussy blocked by the bunny but there’s a possibility it would’ve destroyed us. I know she’s also attracted to me cause I’m not dumb, but her trust has just been betrayed. The moment something happens between us, she’ll question everything. Even if her brain knows that she can trust me with her life, her heart will still be doubtful, and I wouldn’t be able to blame her for that.

She can act like nothing happened, like she’s already okay but I know her like the back of my hand. Heck, she’s probably weeping in the shower right now thinking about Kai but that girl hates sympathy so I’m not giving her that.

She loves hugs tho.

I turned the TV on to watch some cartoons and luckily, Spongebob was on. No one is too old to watch Spongebob so shut it.

I grabbed my phone and sent a message to my coach to let him know that I still wouldn’t be able to attend practice due to my injured hand. I also informed our friends that me and Jennie aren’t going to school today as per the armalite’s order and instead of wishing me well, they wished their parents did the same.

I didn’t know I fell asleep while watching until I heard a quiet sob. I opened my eyes and lifted my head from the back pillow to see Jennie lying on the couch, facing the TV with her head on my lap and my right hand intertwined with her left, resting just above her waist.

Tucking a few strands of her hair behind her ear, my heart broke at the sight of Jennie in tears without her even knowing. Even in her sleep she’s hurting, and it fucks me up knowing that the only thing I can do for now is wipe her tears away.

I slowly removed my hand from her hold and lifter her head from my lap replacing it with a pillow before sliding off the couch. She stirred a bit, adjusting herself until she felt comfortable in a fetal position.

I kneeled in front of her and wiped her tears while appreciating how beautiful she is even with her slightly puffed eyes, damped cheeks and red nose. I stayed there, caressing her cheek until she stopped sobbing. Placing a quick kiss on her forehead which unconsciously made her smile which made me smile as well, I stood up and walked upstairs to clean myself up.

It was already around 1 in the afternoon when I headed back downstairs to find Jennie still sleeping on the couch. I didn’t want to disturb her, but I was already hungry, and cooking is a no no for me.

“Niniiiiii” I cooed, poking her sides to wake her up but she just groaned and faced the other way. I tried to mess with her some more, so she’d finally wake up but now my left cheek’s regretting it. bitch just slapped me. Hard!

“Okay that’s it!” I grabbed my phone and placed it on my pocket before hastily going back to my room to get my wallet and car keys. After that, I went outside to my car to open the passenger door then went back inside the house. Clicking the lock on the front door but leaving it open, I went back to the living room where Jennie’s still lying on the couch.

“Jennie I’m warning you, I know you’re already awake.”

“No I’m not.” She answered acting all cute with her eyes closed.

And she says I’m the kid.

“I warned you small creature.”

She was about to give me a sassy reply when I abruptly lift her bridal style. She squealed but soon became a giggling mess in my arms as I walk us outside of the house, kicking the front door shut then shoving her into the passenger’s seat.

Of course, our drive wouldn’t be complete without her owning the aux cord and it honestly amazes me that we can sing along to any music genre she plays and for now, it’s Style by Taylor Swift.

“You got that James Dean, daydream look in your eyes! Lili!” pointing her imaginary microphone at me.

“And you got that red lip classic thing that I like!” I sang matching her performance level and everyone who could see us would say we’re a little loose on the head but aren’t we all?

Jennie spotted this gorgeous looking brunch restaurant, so we decided that we’ll have our lunch there. As I was about to get out of the car, I heard Jennie gasp which got me confused.


“What? What is it?!” I started to panic a bit too, looking around the car and reaching for my pockets as an initial response.


I looked down on her feet and shit it was bare. How the hell didn’t we realized this sooner? A snort escaped from my nose which earned me a deadly glare from Jennie.

“This isn’t funny Lisa. I’m not stepping out of this car barefooted.”

“I’ll just carry you again then.”

“What? No! I don’t wanna make a scene in there.”

“Ugh fine!” I groaned taking off my shoes and socks.

“Alright let’s go!”

“Aren’t you gonna give me your shoes?” she asked when I was about to open the door again.

“The hell would I do that?” and she looked at me in disbelief.

“Then why the hell did you even take off your shoes?!” I winced when she yelled in annoyance.

“First of all, it’s too big for you, you’ll get blisters and second, I took it off, so we look equally stupid when we get in there now let’s go or I’m eating you instead.”

She punched me in the arm before calling me an idiot then stepped out of the car. Don’t think I didn’t see her smiling tho and it was a cute sight which made me chuckle.

The people inside the restaurant were giving us weird looks when we walked inside, and I swear the waiter was having second thoughts if he’d give us a table or ask us to leave. Good thing he made the right choice or else he’ll receive an earful from the kitten.

The food was amazing, and I think it was even more delicious because I was hungry as hell. Jennie and I reminisced about our last trip to the beach, I also didn’t bother mentioning to her that she was crying on her sleep earlier so instead, I made stupid jokes about feet which I’m sure the other customers didn’t appreciate but hey, Jennie was laughing so I couldn’t care less.


Sorry if it took me long to update guys 🙏

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