A month away

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Sylvia's pov:
An Alarm going off let's me nearly break Callen's nose because I throw myself up so fast that he nearly wasn't able to pull his face away.
„Sorry babe! Did I hurt you?" I ask him nearly completely panicked.
„no, I am fine. What's the alarm for?" he asks me with a confused frown.
„Guess the last one of the computer nerds got told to research my documents." I say sadly. It's really strange how I always have put everything I could into the NAVY and now they are trying to harass me back in. Guess the industry isn't as good as i always had thought.
„I am sorry love! I wished they wouldn't do this to you!" he tells me with only slightly contained anger.
„It's fine." I say while I feel my eyes beginning to tear up a bit. How could they do this to me? I risk my live hundreds of times, always did as I got instructed and this is how they thank me? Are they serious?
„No, it's not fine. I am really sorry love!" Callen whispers into my ear and pulling me onto his lap.
„Let me get my laptop. I need to send them a small note so they see I am not going to change my mind, especially after what they have done!" I say, determined but sad non the less.

„Is that to harsh?" I ask Callen who has pulled me right back into his lap after I fetched my laptop.
„No. Not at all. I would say it is to nice but that's how you are." he tells me softly.
„Ok, then let's send it." I say and cuddle right up into him right after sending my letter.

„Nice to meet you Eric. I am pleased to see you, as every other Hacker, weren't able to replace the documents again. I am hoping that everyone now understands that my resignation was no Joke but meant to be serious. And I also meant it to be PERMANENT! So please tell Miss Lange, of which I am sure was the one who asked you to look for those documents, to tell her bosses that I won't be coming back for as long as I don't want to! I also don't appreciate all those calls nor their going behind my back!
I always was loyal and I not only once risked my life for the NAVY. So to see the same institution I always put before my life, now going behind my back just for their personal benefit is to be honest devastating. And makes me think that I should of left the NAVY much sooner.
Yours sincerely, the lynx."

„Shh, don't cry love! They aren't worth it!" Callen whispers while softly caressing my back.
„Why did they do that? I could of died so often, I nearly never could be with you. And for what? For an institution that seemingly cares absolutely nothing about me!" I cry into his shoulders.
„You did what you thought was best! You could of never known that they would do that. It's ok, they have no way of knowing who you are! You are safe and sound in my arms. Just like you should be! Don't think about them, they aren't worth it." he tells me earnestly, still tightly squeezing me to him.
Another ping let's me look up and onto the laptop again.

„I am very sorry if you feel betrayed from the whole NCIS, especially after everything you have done for us. I am going to talk to director Vance about leaving you be until you are ready to maybe come back, and if you don't ever want to talk to us again, than that's our own fault as well.
Thank you for your service and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely Hetty Lange."

„Do you think she means it?" I ask him since I know that him and Hetty have a close relationship.
„I hope so. As far as I know her, she never said anything she didn't mean. Well except when she is on to something." he answers me with a look of apology.
„How about i go to her and ask her? And when I am already there, I can get my things and leave for at least a few months." he adds after seeing me shrink back even more.
„You don't need to leave, I know how much you love your job Callen." I tell him honestly.
„I think a few months away from that nonsense would do the two of us some good. And after seeing what they are putting you through, I don't know if I want to keep working for them anyway." he says with a small shrug.
„Don't decide something this huge in a matter of seconds and not because of me. I don't want you to someday suddenly hate me because you left a job that you loved." I tell him strictly. I know he would do it, I know him well enough for that, however I can't let him do this.
„Ok, then let's say a month. A month of just the two of us, maybe in Hawaii or I don't know Jamaika maybe? I think we both deserve some time alone." he answers me with a smile.
„You are sure about it?" I question him trying to not let myself get to happy about flying away with Callen for some time. With just the two of us.
„Oh, I am more than ready to be with you 24/7 for 365 days a year. And if we are together somewhere away from everyone and everything than that's an even bigger bonus!" he tells me with a huge smile.
„Ok." i whisper slowly feeling myself getting more and more excited about the prospective of leaving this whole nonsense behind.
„Awesome! Then go pack some clothes, and I am quickly driving to talk to Hetty!" he answers excitedly.
„I can't wait to have you all to myself!" he whispers into my ear before kissing me passionately and heading off for his talk with Hetty. I guess I know exactly where we should go for this vacation! A few years ago I bought a small island near Jamaika. Only a small house and lots of wood and miles of perfectly white sand! Yeah! That's going to be just perfect!
„Hey! Can you set up my house in Jamaika?" I quickly ask Jamal on the phone.
„Of course! I am getting right to it!! Have a nice trip!!" he answers me before the line went dead again. Jamal is one of my oldest friends. He moved to Jamaika 15 years ago, we however stayed in touch for all that time.

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