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Pain, without love.

Pain, I can't get enough.

Pain, I like it rough.

'Cause I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all, oh.


Hues of red and orange flashed brightly as flames shot up around. 

Within seconds, water was thrown over it, as the young heroine's skin turned purple. 

The villain froze when he saw her, and he didn't open his mouth to breathe more flames. 

She smiled sadly, and he turned, running off into the smoke. She didn't chase him. 

"Palette! Where'd he go?! Is he gone?!" 

The hero's skin turned back to normal, and she turned. 

"Yeah, he got away." 

The other heroes nodded sadly. 

The next day, a group of them had a meeting. 

"We're here to talk about the newest villain. He's become a dangerous threat, and we need to catch him as soon as possible." 

The girl with rainbow hair looked down, knowing exactly what was going to be said next.

"Yula, you've been the first to the scene every time he shows up, but you haven't been able to catch him, and by the time anyone else shows up he's gone. What's going on?" 

"All I know is his quirk allows him to breathe fire. I'm too busy putting the fires out to catch him, and he runs off every time I show up." 

"Then stop putting out the fires and go after him!" 

"And leave innocent people to die?!" The girl was horrified at her friend's suggestion. 

"Well then leave it for the rest of us!" The ginger snapped. 

"Ash, every other hero who shows up before Yula has been burned badly enough to be put in the hospital. She's also the only one who can put the fires out." 

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