12. Partner Project

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"Ok class, we will be having a group project starting today over the next two weeks," your civil procedures professor, Mr. Zhong, announces.

You look at Narae, who already is returning the same excited stare. "And I will be picking your partners."

A chorus of "Ugh"s broke out in the large lecture room, your's and Narae's being the loudest. You look over at Johnny, who's promptly sitting beside your best friend, eyeing the man suspiciously. You still haven't spoken to him about why you saw him at Bangtan's mansion. After class will be the perfect time.

     "It will be over past criminal cases, specifically ones that resulted in wrongful execution. You will need to examine the case and find where the court went wrong. For example, in the United Kingdom, a man named Timothy Evans was hung in Notting Hill, London after a trial and death sentence for killing his wife and infant son. About 16 years later, the court issued a statement that a fellow tenant in his apartment building was a serial killer and that Mr. Evans was innocent all along. Your job will be to find out what could have been done to prove the victim's innocence and prevent the loss of their lives. So, I will post the roster on the bulletin board up here at the front, and you will each have to come and see who your partner is. The rest of the class, you will get to know your partner and discuss which case you shall investigate." With that, he pins the white sheet on the board and sits at his desk, watching as students stumble down the stairs, each waiting in line to see who they will be working with for the next 2 weeks. "Oh, and did I mention this will be 30% of your grade this semester? Because it will be."

     More groans sound from the students. "Damn it!" Narae shouts, surprising you with her loudness.

     "Well, who'd you get?" you question, knowing it isn't you.

     "This dick-twitch," she answers pointing at Johnny, seemingly fascinated by a butterfly outside the window. "This is gonna be a long 2 weeks. I didn't know your lust name is Suh, though."

     "It never came up," he mumbles, eyes still preoccupied with the pretty creature outside the window.

     You shuffle up to the bulletin board, searching for your name.

Jung Y/N - Park Jaehyung

     You mutter the names under your breath. Not even a second later, a voice from behind speaks, "You can call me Jae, though." You flinch, startled by the manly voice.

     Turning around, kind eyes captivate your vision, a warm smile drawing you towards it. "You're my partner, Jae?" you ask, taking a step forward. This man is stunning. He has soft eyes, almost feminine, and high cheekbones, sharp jaw accentuating his slim face. He's oh so cute, yet he has a dangerous hotness to him. He's pretty tall, lean but muscular.

     "The one and only," he confirms, eyes squinting with how wide his smile stretches. It's almost reminiscent of Jimin. "You know, if you take a picture it'll last longer," his smile turns into a smirk. Your cheeks tint red, realizing you'd been staring at the handsome man.

     "Haha," your playful sarcasm evident, "let's get to know each other and decide which case we'll take."

     "Sounds good to me. Let me grab my stuff."

     You turn around to meet Narae's knowing eyes. She wiggles her eyebrows, receiving an elbow to her side as you try to hide your red ears. "He's cute, why don't you ask him out?"

"Because, I'm sure the guys will get mad..."

"Bangtan? Technically, they have no right to be mad. None of them have confirmed a relationship with you, or even said that they like you necessarily."

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