Chapter 6

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Josie's POV: I rushed down the hall, trying to catch up with Penelope only to find it nearly impossible to navigate through the darkened hallways. "Penelope", I called out, pausing as I spotted someone down the hall. "Hope", I sighed in relief. "There you are", I retorted. "We have to find Penelope, and maybe get her to turn these lights back on...", I trailed off as she turned around to face me.

"Hope", I frowned, squinting through the darkness. "Are you even listening to me", I asked, creating a fire in my hand. "What the hell", I whispered, searching the empty hallway in confusion before I was attacked from behind.

I winced, landing on the ground harshly before a masked Triad soldier pinned my arms above my head. Gritting my teeth, I struggled underneath them aggressively before they pulled a blade from their belt, causing my eyes to burn. "Get off me", I growled, managing to kick them off.

I have to find the others.

Getting to my feet, I cried out as pain shot up my body, causing me to collapse to the ground as sparks went up my body. I gasped breathlessly as the soldier grabbed a hold of my ankle and dragged me down the hall.

I groaned, slowly opening my eyes to find myself in the infirmary.

What happened?

Did I black out?

Was that the Triad soldier that Hope was talking about?

I turned my head at the sound of the door opening as someone walked in, sporting a black mask. "How's our patient", they asked me eagerly.

"Awake", I heard someone answer before a another person came into view. "Now, where's the hundred grand you promised me", they demanded, taking the black mask from their head.

"Relax, Sebastian. You'll get your money", they said, waving them off as they stepped closer. "How are you feeling", they asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Like I've been tased", I told them sarcastically, causing them to hum.

"I like you", they complimented.

"Flattered", I said sarcastically. "Where's Hope and Penelope", I demanded.

"Being taken care of, but you're our first priority", they explained. "Sebastian, please wait outside", they said, causing the boy to roll his eyes as he waltzed out of the room. "Who's Hope Mikaelson", they asked, causing me to look up at them as if they've grown two heads.

"What does this have to do with anything? Did something happen to her", I asked them in concern. "Is she okay", I questioned, causing them to sigh as they looked behind her. "What is this", I asked, noticing that I was strapped to the bed.

"We have much work to do", they told someone off to the side, causing me to stain my neck to look around her.

I yanked at my restraints, hissing as pain shot up my side. "What's going on", I demanded. "Let me go", I told them.

"Calm down, Josette. This won't hurt a bit", they assured before the other person came into focus, causing my breath to hitch as their eyes glowed brightly.

"T-that's not...", I got out in a mixture of shock and fear. "That's not possible", I said shakily, yanking at the restraints again. They got closer as tears filled my eyes. "Help", I shouted. "Please, don't...", I pleaded. "Penelope", I shouted tearfully before a scream tore itself from my mouth.

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