Chapter 28

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Lizzie's POV: I quickly got to my feet, staring ahead at Hope nervously as tears filled her eyes. " didn't...", she breathed. 

"Hope...", I trailed off, taking a step forward as she backed away.

"W-what did you do", she asked. 

"Hope, just listen-"

"No! I don't want to hear anymore of your lies", she shouted, pushing passed me and disappearing out the door. 

"This is your fault you know", Josie spoke up. "You did this to yourself", she stated, looking me over in disgust.

"I did this to...", I laughed bitterly, running my hand through my hair. "You don't know me", I glared. "So don't come down here throwing insults and running your mouth about things you don't understand", I said through gritted teeth.

"Then make me understand", she challenged as I looked her over in annoyance. We're on this again? Why is this girl so interested in hearing my whole life story? She doesn't even know who I really am.

"When I took over Triad, I made it my mission to change things for the better. To somehow give these kids a chance at life that we never got to have", I explained.

"After I found out about my da-your school", I quickly corrected. "I felt hope that I haven't felt in a while", I said. "So I started sending kids over here", I explained, watching her shoulders tense. 

Watching her closely for any signs of realization, I slowly continued. "Everything was finally looking up...until Hope's parents showed up at the camp two years ago", I explained. "They said that they were not only on the run, but they were looking for their daughter", I explained.

"They checked all the camps across the coast, and I guess we were next. They showed me a picture and I put the pieces together, and realized that they were Mikaelson's parents, but I didn't make the connection with Hope until I found out her real name", I shrugged.

"So you did kill them", she scowled.

"No, I told them the truth. That their daughter is strong, and that she's most likely made it to one of the Rebellions by now", I explained. "I sent them on their way", I frowned.

"Then how did they show up dead", she asked.

"How should I know? I just read the newspaper days later, and felt guilty for letting them leave to start with. I should've locked them up, or asked them to stay or something", I huffed. "I thought that maybe if I had actually went through with my revenge on Mikaelson then maybe they would still be alive", I said. 

"But in New Orleans-"

"Do you really think I would destroy New Orleans just to seek revenge on something that happened years ago", I asked. "Innocent people died! Good people! And kids...", I exclaimed tearfully before closing my eyes as I took a deep breath. "Every day, that haunted got so bad that I had to write letters to my long dead sister for being such a disappointment", I said shakily. "But it all finally made sense three months ago...", I sighed. "I got wind that Mikaelson was somewhere inside the school, so I sent a group of soldiers over here to pick her up", I explained.

"Pick her up? They nearly destroyed everything", she exclaimed angrily.

"I had Burr and Veronica locked up for years, but what I didn't know was that she was still calling the shots. It was her that was looking for Hope", I continued, ignoring the interruption. "They allowed me to take over because they knew that I would look for her", I stated.

"Wait, why would they go through all that trouble just to find Hope", she frowned.

"You got to understand. Hope's...powers are a mystery to them. She's truly the last orange alive, and to them, that makes her a threat", I explained. "They either want her dead, or on their side", I stated. "So much so that they shot me and threw me down a well to prevent me from interfering", I scoffed.

"But I managed to make it out, and disguise myself as a soldier and make it inside the school where I had the pleasure of running into Hope's fist", I grumbled, causing Josie to snort in amusement. "I was the one that saved Hope that day", I admitted.

"That was...", she sighed, shaking her head. "Then why go through all that trouble just to try and kill her again", she asked.

"Because...she had what I never could", I sighed. "Family and friends who love her, and would do anything for her no matter what", I explained. "So if you're going to kill me, then just do it", I told her, looking her in the eyes. "All my life, the only thing I wanted was freedom. Is that too much to ask? To have my family look me in the eyes and not see me as a monster...", I said a a tear rolled down my face. 

"I'm not gonna kill you", she frowned.

I felt my anger bubble before my eyes darken slightly as I took in the pity in her eyes. "I don't need your pity. Just seconds ago, you hated my guts, and would be more than glad than to burn me alive", I glared.  

"I'm not killing you", she told me firmly.

I wiped my eyes as tears continued to stream down my face. "Why not", I growled out as the room shook slightly. "I shot Penelope. I hurt you. I attempt to kill Hope...", I listed off. "I killed your sister", I said, causing her to freeze. 

"You're lying", she denied, shaking her head. 

"Really? So she wasn't the sweet, little blonde girl with the locket around her neck", I challenged, watching her eyes flash dangerously. "The locket that was similar to yours", I asked, taking a step forward as she grasped at her neck subconsciously. Taking off the blue locket around my neck I tossed it to her as her eyes glowed slightly. "I killed your sister. Not Hope. Me", I told her firmly. 

"Stop it", she breathed, gripping the necklace as if it would somehow allow her to maintain control.

"I'm the reason that your sister is dead", I shouted as she closed her eyes tightly. 

"Shut up", she yelled, opening her eyes to reveal bright red orbs. 

"Just kill me already", I yelled tearfully before arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back roughly as my legs gave out, causing her to slowly lower me to the ground.

"No one is killing anybody", Hope glared, before looking over Josie in concern. "You okay", she asked as Josie leaned against the bed.

"S-she...she killed her", Josie asked shakily as the bed caught fire. 

"No, she didn't...I...", she trailed off. "Josie, your sister is alive", Hope blurted out, watching the fire go out immediately. 

"What? I...I don't understand. You said...", she frowned in confusion as her red eyes slowly faded into brown.

"Lizzie is the school", Hope sighed. "I've been trying to convince her to tell you, but...well this happened", she admitted.

"Lizzie's here? At the school...", she asked before she slid down the wall. "Who...I mean, where is she", she asked tearfully.

I looked up into Hope's eyes almost pleadingly, but she looked away. "This needs to stop. She needs to know the truth, and if you won't tell her...", she sighed, as tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. 

"I'm Lizzie", I sobbed out. "Named after my mother's mom, Elizabeth Forbes...", I got out as Josie's eyes widened.

" lying", she said. "It's just another one of your tricks", she muttered, getting to her feet. 

"She's telling the truth", Hope nodded.

"No, my sister is dead! She can't be her. She can't...", the brunette yelled tearfully before racing from the room.

"Josie", Hope shouted after her as I completely broke down.

"She hates me", I choked out. "Josie hates me", I said, before she pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back soothingly.

"She doesn't hate you. She's just in shock is all", she promised. 

Josie finally found out the truth! About time right? 

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