Chapter 22

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Mg's POV: I smiled excitedly as I made my last rounds around the infirmary. Just a few more minutes before my shift is over. I paused outside of the newest patient's room, peeking inside. Dr. Saltzman warned me to keep a very close eye on this one. Apparently they were supposedly dangerous. I nearly groaned when I spotted Hope in the room. "What's going on in here", I asked them. "Hope, I told you to get some rest", I told her sternly. 


"You told me you would stop putting yourself in danger", I sighed, grabbing her arm and leading her out of the room. "What am I gonna do with you", I asked, practically dragging her down the hall. 

"Mg, listen...", she said.

"No", I told her, stopping at her dorm. "What I want to do is actually relax and read my newest comics without one of my friends putting themself in danger every five minutes", I stated, before releasing her and walking away.


Josie's POV: I silently walked down the hall, rubbing my eyes tiredly as Penelope squeezed my hand. "You know you don't have to go to class today", she told me. "I'm sure your dad would understand", she stated.

"I have to, Pen", I sighed. "If I don't keep myself busy then I'm gonna think about it more, and...", I trailed off as my throat tightened. "I'm so sick of crying", I huffed, wiping my eyes in frustration, before Penelope removed my hands from my face.

 "I know it must seem hard right now", she said softly. "Just know that I'll always be right here when you need me", she stated. 

"Thank you", I smiled, pulling her into a quick hug before she left for class.


Unknown POV: I stared at the Salvatore school gate as a smirk spread across my face. "What the hell is taking you so long", I heard someone ask, causing me to sigh as I took the radio out of my pocket. "Have you located the girl or not", they asked impatiently. 

 "No signs yet, but I think I'm close", I stated.

"So that's a no then", they sighed, causing me to grit my teeth in irritation. "Do you understand your orders", they questioned. 

"Yes, Ma'am", I answered.

"Make it look good. I want the girl brought to me alive. Understand", they demanded. "If she isn't brought back here in the next three days, it's your funeral", they threatened.

I swallowed thickly, before nodding as if they could somehow hear me. "Yes, ma'am", I told them before looking back at the school determinedly.

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