Chapter 27

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Josie's POV: I looked up from my book as someone sat in front of me. "Well, if it isn't the person that literally ruined my life", I scoffed, looking back down at my book.

"Yeah, I'm getting that a lot lately", Hope chuckled nervously.

"What do you want", I asked.

"I wanted your advise", she admitted as I looked up at her in annoyance.

"Why? You didn't seem to want my advise when you invited that criminal to stay at the school, or when you gave her a free pass into my room", I pointed out.

"I'm sorry, just tell me what I could do", she pleaded.

"You can leave me alone", I stated, getting out of my seat, and heading toward the door before a thought washed over me, causing me to pause. Closing my eyes in fustration, I sat back down as Hope's eyes lit up. "I want to know what happened", I said. "That day at Triad", I explained, watching her eyes darken.

"Josie, are you sure? It's not really something-"

"Just tell me", I pleaded, watching her nod in defeat.

"Not here", she said, before getting to her feet and making her way toward the door. 


Lizzie's POV: I sat up as I spotted Hope walking downstairs. "What did daddy dearest finally decide to let me out", I asked before pausing when Josie walked in behind her.

"Daddy dearest", Josie frowned as I shifted on my feet uncomfortably.

"What is she doing here, Mikaelson", I asked, narrowing my eyes angrily.

"She wants to know what happened that day at Triad", Hope explained.

"Did you tell her", I accused.

"No", Hope denied quickly.

"She was there", Josie asked, crossing her arms sternly.

"Not...exactly", Hope admitted, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Yes, I was there", I shrugged, watching Josie's glare harden.

"Did you touch her", Josie asked, coming to stand in front of me.

"Who? Your precious sister", I scoffed before slowly getting to my feet. "Maybe you two should take a seat", I said, gesturing toward the bed. 

"What are you doing", Hope asked me cautiously.

"She wants to know what happened. So why not start from the beginning", I smirked, watching Josie sit down. I glanced between them, before sitting against the wall across from them. 

"I was a typical kid growing up. Loved getting into trouble, and causing mischief with my sister. We were close", I smiled, before my expression darkened. "Until this...disease started", I said, glancing down at my hands.

 "We were taken to Triad the night of my birthday...I was so scared", I chuckled, wiping my eyes slightly. "I fought my hardest to stay with my sister, but I was beaten and taken downstairs where I met Mikaelson over here", I said, pointing toward Hope. "She busted into my cell to calm me down, but all the noise attracted Burr", I frowned in annoyance. "He was...cruel", I stated, leaning my head against the cold wall.

"He was a monster", Hope corrected.

"Just get to the point", Josie huffed.

"He left me for dead, but Mikaelson stayed by me", I explained. "She talked for hours about what it'd be like growing up a normal life, and told me stories", I said.

"So you tried to kill the one person that actually cared about you", Josie frowned, causing Hope to avoid eye contact. 

"She gave me hope before attempting to kill me", I glared, causing the brunette to fall silent. "When I woke up, I was alone", I said, watching Hope breathe deeply. "I was down there for days before they let me out, and even then I begged them to allow me to see my sister. Just one last time", I said wiping my hands on my jeans. 

"Triad...they told me they killed her. Even gave me a dismembered arm to prove it", I told them darkly. "I had my first episode that day", I said, looking up into Hope's horrified eyes. "After they found out how unstable I was, I was beaten to near death and left downstairs to rot for the next seven years", I scowled. "It wasn't until the explosion in Triad a few years back that I was able to break free. I believe that's where I met your friend, Penelope", I stated.

"I remember you saving her", Hope nodded.

"I saved hundreds of kids that day, cause you see...I was the one that caused the explosion in the first place", I told them.

"I'm caused the explosion", Josie asked.

"Is it so hard to believe? I had years in that cellar to grow my powers and get angry. So when the time came, I busted out, but my plan backfired. I attempted to help kids escape and in return was locked back up", I said. "I finally had enough and took Triad into my own hands. My first mission? To find you", I told Hope.

"Me", she frowned.

"I wanted someone to blame for what happened to me, so I hunted you down", I stated. "I got wind of a family of Mikaelsons in New", I breathed, looking down slightly. "I sent a few of the men up there to check it out", I stated.

"When was this", Hope asked in suspicion.

"About two years ago", I admitted as Hope's breath hitched.


January 4th, 2028- Two Years Ago

Hope's POV: I sniffed, burying my face into my pillow as a knock a sounded at the door. "Hope, open up", Josie pleaded.

"Please, just go away", I said, pulling my blanket over my head.

"My dad wanted me to come get you". she said from outside the room. "He said your aunt Freya wants to talk to you", Josie told me, causing me to sigh in annoyance as I got up up get dressed.

"I'll be out in a sec", I called back.

"Oh, and Hope...happy birthday", Josie said.

I waited until her footsteps disappeared down the hall before walking out of my dorm and toward Dr. Saltzman's office. "Hope, hey", he smiled sadly.

"You said I didn't have classes today", I said, crossing my arms sternly.

"You don't, but your Aunt Freya called", he stated. "New Orleans was attacked", he explained.

"Attacked? everyone okay", I asked in concern.

"Most of your family was able to make it out of there in time, but your Uncle Kol's in pretty bad shape", he told me.

"Is he alright", I panicked.

"They don't think he's gonna make it", he said, before I shook my head in disbelief.

"Who could've done something like this", I asked him tearfully.



I stared ahead at Lizzie tearfully before clinching my jaw angrily. "That was you", I growled out, watching the blonde flinch slightly.

"That's not all you did...was it", Josie questioned.

"What are you talking about", I asked Josie cautiously.

"A few days ago, I found old newspapers in my dad's office. Each one about how Triad took down rebellions and destroyed cities, but one thing stood out to me", she said, glaring down at Lizzie angrily. "You said Burr killed your parents and Uncle Elijah, right", she asked me.

"Yeah, the night I was taken", I nodded.

"Then how the hell did they show back up in the newspaper eight years later", she asked me, causing Lizzie's face to drain of color.

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