Chapter 9

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Hope's POV: I walked silently for what felt like days. My legs were sore, but I had to keep moving. If I stop now, I'll be caught for sure. I looked down at my arm, almost missing the cast that I tore off a while back. I know I've been in that place for a while, but the days seemed to bleed together. How long was I gone? 





Looking up, I nearly fell backward when I noticed a Triad Soldier standing in front of me. I couldn't see their face, because they were wearing a black mask, but they almost seem...familiar. They stepped closer as I scrambled backward, tripping and falling onto my back. Shaking my head, I looked up to notice the soldier was gone.

I sat up, breathing heavily as I tried to calm my racing heart. "All that time in that horrid place has me seeing things", I breathed getting to my feet as I pressed forward.

My eyes widened when I realized I got caught. "I asked you a questioned", Burr stated as his face heated up. I backed up as he opened the cell, stepping inside before slamming it shut. My back hit the wall as the small, blonde looked between us fearfully. 

"P-please", I got out shakily, as tears pooled in my eyes. "I-....I'm s-sorr-", I got out before he grabbed me by my hair roughly. 

"Waiting for me to leave so you can what", he sneered, before looking back at the smaller girl, dropping me to the ground. "I see", he chuckled, stepping away from me. "You're here for her", he smiled, standing over her. I slowly sat up tearfully before freezing when he picked up the hospital bed easily before throwing it at the wall. He smirked as the bed crashed to the floor silently. "Have fun, miss Mikaelson", he laughed cruelly, before leaving the room.

I glared after him tearfully as the memories of my dead parents resurfaced. A small gasp cut through my thoughts as I rushed toward the bed. I dropped down next to the girl, placing her head in my lap carefully as she struggled to breathe. "I'm so sorry", I whispered tearfully as sweat trailed down the girl's face. "This is all my fault", I apologized, holding her closely as blood trailed down the side of her mouth.

I stumbled forward, catching myself before I fell again. I grumbled to myself before pausing, staring straight ahead as a grin slowly spread across my face. "I'm home", I laughed in disbelief as I quickly stumbled toward the gate.

"Excuse me", a man shouted, walking toward me. "Are you alright", he asked.

"Yeah, Dorian", I smiled. "I'm fine", I told him.

"Well, that's great and all, but how did you know my name", he asked as my smile slowly fell from my face.   

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