Chapter 25

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Josie's POV: My smile slowly faded away as Penelope's words reached my ears. My eyes quickly spotted the back mask in the girl's hand as my eyes hardened. I felt a new anger rise inside me, remembering what happened yesterday. "You attacked me", I accused, watching the girl tense up. "You tried to kill Hope, you shot Penelope", I fumed, walking forward as she took a step back. "You broke my necklace", I said as my eyes glowed brightly.

"Josie", Penelope warned, grabbing my arm in attempt to stop me, but I shook her off.

"Do you have any idea what that necklace meant to me", I asked her furiously.


Lizzie's POV: I backed up slightly as I noticed her eyes glowing brightly, before opening my mouth to say something, but no sound came out. "What? You had so much to say earlier", she said, shoving me backwards. "Why aren't you fighting back", she seethed, shoving me again as Penelope quickly stopped her.

I tried to tune them out as I noticed all the blood on my hands. Was that there before? I frowned trying to wipe it off on my jeans, but that somehow made it worse. My breathing slowly increased before I heard Hope's voice cut through their arguing. Okay, how in the world does she keep doing that? 

"Do you see it", I asked them.

"See what", Penelope frowned.

"The blood", I pointed out, showing them my hands. 

"What blood", Hope asked me in concerned, gaining strange looks from Josie and Penelope.


Hope's POV: I walked down the hall, grumbling to myself when I noticed Penelope and Josie arguing in the hall. "It's only a matter of time before she kills someone else, Penelope", Josie exclaimed.

"Hey! Hey, cut it out", I shouted. "What's wrong with you two", I demanded.

"Do you see it", Lizzie asked, causing us to look up at her.

"See what", Penelope frowned, glancing over at me in confusion.

"The blood", she pointed out, waving her hands around.

"What blood", I asked in concern.

"The blood on my hands! I...I can't get it off", she yelled tearfully, wiping her hands on her jeans frantically.

"Hey, stop it", I told her, grabbing her arms firmly. "You're gonna hurt yourself", I told her.

"It won't come off, Hope. Why won't it come off", she asked me desperately.

"Lizzie, look at me. There's nothing there", I assured her softly.

"Hope, what are you doing", Penelope asked her.

"She literally tried to kill us yesterday", Josie pointed out as Lizzie pushed me away from her in embarrassment before quickly wiping her eyes.

"Because she's-"

"I'm just looking for a way out", Lizzie interrupted. "So, if you would just point me toward the nearest exit, I'll be on my way", she told us.

"Down the hall to the left", Josie stated.

"Thanks...", Lizzie muttered, turning to walk away before I quickly grabbed her wrist.

"You don't have to go", I told her, before she glanced toward Josie sadly. 

"Yes, I do", she said, trying to pull away.

"You have just as much right to be here as anyone else", I stated.

"We don't allow cold-blooded killers into the School, Hope", Penelope reminded me. 

"Do you have anywhere to go", I asked her silently.

"Hope, just let her go", Josie sighed in annoyance.

"I made a promise to you all those years ago", I said, ignoring the others as I looked into her glassy eyes.


March 16th, 2020- Ten Years Ago 

I dropped down next to the girl, placing her head in my lap carefully as she struggled to breathe. "I'm so sorry", I whispered tearfully as sweat trailed down the girl's face. "This is all my fault", I apologized, holding her closely as blood trailed down the side of her mouth. "I'll get you out of here", I nodded. "I promise", I said as her eyes slowly fluttered closed. "I won't let anyone hurt you. We're in this together", I whispered, rocking her small body back and forth. "Always and forever", I promised.



"I promised you that we were in this together, but I broke that promise once", I admitted guiltily. "I won't do it again", I told her firmly. "I won't make that same mistake again", I stated. "Just give me a chance", I pleaded. "A chance to start over, and make it right", I said, watching the blonde quickly blink back her tears.

"Who's the cheesy one now", she chuckled, causing me to roll my eyes. "Just to be clear. I won't have to wear those trash suits you're wearing...right", she asked me.

"What's wrong with the way I dress", I frowned.

"Nothing, weirdo", she smiled, rolling her eyes.

"'ll stay", I asked hopefully.

"I'll stay", she nodded. "You're stuck with me. Til the bitter end", she promised. 

"Wait, really", I asked in surprise.

"Of course. I mean, who else is gonna teach you that you can't simply wear that hideous sweater with those jeans", she joked, causing me to hit her arm playfully.

"Hey, my style is classic", I defined. 

"You keep telling yourself that", she snorted.

"What is happening right now", Josie muttered.

"Your guess is as good as mine", Penelope shrugged.

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