Chapter 30

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Josie's POV: I lay in the bed tiredly before I heard knocking on the door. "Come on, Jojo. You can't stay locked up in there forever", Penelope said as I got out of bed with a sigh. Opening the door, I looked into emerald green eyes with a small yawn. 

"What do you want, Pen", I asked.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay", she said in concern.

"Peachy", I said, walking back toward my bed as Penelope closed the door behind her. "I just found out that the one person that everyone is supposedly so scared of is my long not so dead twin sister that tried to kill us all multiple times", I answered, flopping down on the bed miserably. 

"Come on, I'm sure she's not all bad. I'm sure that once you get to know her-"

"I don't want to know her", I told her. "Maybe I was better off thinking she was dead", I sighed.

"You don't mean that", Penelope told me sternly.

" don't know", I said in fustration. "It's complicated", I said. 

"Family always is", Penelope smirked, before a weird chill went down my spine.

"Did you shock me or something", I frowned, looking down at her hands that were in her lap.

"No...why", she frowned.

"I thought...", I trailed off as slight pain shot up my stomach.

"Are you okay", she asked worriedly.

"It's weird. It's almost...", I paused thinking back to when I was young.


March 1st, 2020- Ten Years Ago

I was upstairs playing with my new dolls when a weird tingling feeling went up my arm. I frowned in confusion before pain shot through my knee. Jumping to my feet, I hurried downstairs to see mommy in the kitchen cooking. "Mommy, my leg hurts", I told her.

"Awe, honey. What did you do? Did you fall", she asked in concern before daddy came in with Lizzie crying in his arms. "What happened", Mommy asked, noticing blood on Lizzie's knee. 

"She was climbing trees again", he sighed.

"Lizzie hurt", I frowned, looking over her knee as my own throbbed slightly.


"Twin pain...", I muttered.

"What", Penelope questioned.

"When this disease first started, Lizzie fell out of a tree and hurt herself", I explained.

"So", she said, not seeing my point.

"So, I felt her pain", I explained.

"Which means that-"

"I think Lizzie's in trouble", I said, jumping to my feet and racing down the hall with Penelope not far behind. 

"This is stupid. I just saw her a second go. She looked fine", Penelope huffed, before the school rattled slightly.

"I don't know-"

"Lizzie", we heard Hope scream as we ran downstairs.

We rounded the corner before quickly coming to a stop as I felt my stomach churn. "Hope...", I asked fearfully as she spun around, her eyes glowing brightly.

"Guys, get out of here", she yelled.

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