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      THE MAXIMOFF TWINS AND JADE crept through the almost empty streets of Sokovia, approaching a destroyed church building

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      THE MAXIMOFF TWINS AND JADE crept through the almost empty streets of Sokovia, approaching a destroyed church building. Jade followed the twins, Wanda and Pietro knowing the area and her wanting to check out the area they used to live in. Considering how destroyed and how bad of a past Sokovia had, she found the area beautiful.

"Jade," Pietro urged her to follow, the speedster motioning to an opening in the fences around the church building. Jade quickly rushed over to them, Wanda shrinking through first, waiting on the other side for her brother and mentor.

Jade was next, the edges scratching at her red and black flannel but not her skin. Pietro then joined them, and with the trio on the inside, Wanda led the way.

There was a small fire lit in the corner of the main room, emitting enough light to see a cloaked figure sitting in the middle, facing away from them. Jade's charm glimmered under the gentle flames' light and she glanced back to Pietro to see him already watching Wanda, prepared to jump in and save his sister if the hooded figure tried anything against them. She gently rested her fingers on her necklace's charm, it holding the sentimental value for her and it being the one thing she's been able to have her whole life. She had it since she was born and she was gonna keep it till she took in her last breath.

"Talk, and if you're wasting out time-"

"Did you know this church is in the exact centre of the city?" a robotic voice questioned them, interrupting Wanda and forcing the young girl to tap into her telepathy powers. "The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to God... I like that. The geometry of belief." an arm stuck out from under the cover, silver metal glistening under the moon's rays, that peeked through the openings on the roof. "You're wondering why you can't look inside my head," it stated, predicting the young Maximoff's action.

"Sometimes it's hard," Wanda began, stepping forward. Jade opened her palms at her sides, wind beginning to collect in them and become ready to be thrown. "But sooner or later, every man shows himself."

The figure suddenly rose, the brown blanket concealing its identity rolling back and revealing a robot. Silver plates decorated it and scarlet red rectangles acted as eyes across its face. Jade held the wind close to her, beginning to build up more so it'd hopefully have an affect on the robot.

"Oh, I'm sure they do," Wanda took a step back, lips parted in surprise at the revelation. "But you needed something more than a man," it began to take steps towards the trio, feet stomping against the ground. Defensively, Jade got in front of the Maximoff, wind filling her. "Oh, I'm not going to hurt them Wind Sorceress," it reasurred, tone surprisingly sounding honest. "But, that's why you let Stark take the sceptre."

"I didn't expect... But I saw Stark's fear, I knew it would control him, make him self-destruct," Wanda explained, stepping past Jade, the mentor reluctantly relaxing her hands that held small amounts of wind currents still.

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