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"K-KI-KIRAAAAAAHH!" Brendon yelled, I could barely hear him as I'm falling.

I scream like I've never screamed before, this is just too much.
There is solid ground underneath me in what I'm gonna crash into in about 3, seconds 2, seconds, and .. 1.

The feeling of wind almost blowing my hair off, my mouth off and my eyes off, I instantly feel the comfort of the waves.

I go unconscious for what feels like a lifetime, but probably just a few minutes. The water fills my body, I start to tremble.
The water pulling me back and forth I envision a hand reaching out for me, I try to grab it but I can't , I can
barely hold onto dear life itself.

Someone crying in the corner, but comforted by a stranger.
Someone dying inside, but saved by a carer.
Someone calling out for love, but only hate grips their heart.
Someone almost lifeless, but at last, in the arms of a lover.

"Nothing is the same anymore" my heart whispers to me.

My eyes shoot open, like they've never done before. I still lay under the sea, but I'm alive. Everything is bloodshot red, like the sea is not water, but blood. The blood of an innocent person, but guilty soul.
I shut my eyes and try to swim to the top, I finally reach it .
I take the biggest breath I've ever taken, my lungs enriched with new air.

I look around myself, I see the cliff I was on before I experienced this.
I swim to the shore and pass out on the warm baked beach sand.


"Kirah?" A familiar voice says,
"KIRAH!" She says again.
"Wtf do you want?!?" I sit up and yell.
Its the cashier girl. "How di-did you get here?" I stutter,
"They let me go when you fell onto the ground."
"Ground? I didn't fall on no ground I fell in that sea you idiot.
Where do you see ground here this is sand we're on there is a difference between sand and ground, oakay?"
"Well excuse me If I didn't see it" she says.
"What your name btw?" I hope she doesn't not tell me.
"Its Malika." She says.
"Oaky Malika can we get outta here?" I nag at her,
"help me up and lets go home" i nag again as she helps me up.

Okay sorry for late update, even of it was late idk.
Enjoying it? Hope you do!
Be happy and don't care what other people say about you, it's their opinion and it doesn't need to affect you; it only affects you when you allow it to.

Immensely Mental [On Hold, Sorry]Where stories live. Discover now