16 Hand in the Flame of a Flickering Lighter

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Bobby stared at his reflection in the mirror, observing the clusters of freckles on his face as if they were constellations in an evening sky, connecting to form myths and wild beasts.

Is that what Lili saw when she looked at him?

All around him, the rest of the guys raced for the steamer and for bottles of cologne and aftershave, but Bobby couldn't do it. He was frozen, staring at the brightly lit vanity.

"Have you decided, mate?" Gary knocked into Bobby as he sat beside Rahim, who was patting oil onto his scalp between his rows.

Rahim shook his head. "I don't know. Priya is...and Lili is..." He closed the oil lid and sighed. "I like them both."

Rocco rubbed some kind of crystal on his underarms and then took a whiff, nodding. "I get it. Lili's raw sensuality calls to me too, man. Who can resist an aura that vibrant?"

"What the hell are you on about?" Gary asked.

Rocco sighed. "The universe has mysteries beyond cranes, my friend. An aura is the light energy that surrounds each of us. If you're lucky enough to be able to see them, you can learn a lot about people without ever saying a word. Different colors for different vibes, you know? Lili's aura is usually violet. Sometimes pink."

Gary's sigh could be heard for miles. "What's that even mean?"

Noah shook his head as he spot checked his jaw for any stray hairs. "You had to ask, didn't you?"

"Violets are empaths. She's the type of girl who doesn't have everyday sex. She's in tune with her energy and yours. Sex is more than just bodies moving for them. It's soul connection. It's intense. You have to convince them that you're worth the energy they'd spend, but if you can do that, wow." He brought his fingers together and then pushed them apart, making a noise like an explosion. "The intensity will leave your ears ringing and your knees weak."

Gary's face screwed up in confusion. "So you think she'll be good in bed because she's secretly purple?"

"Spoken exactly like someone with a tan aura," Rocco said sadly.

Noah shook his head. "I warned you."

"What about you?" Rocco asked Gary. "Who do you think you'll choose?"

"Not sure," Gary said. "I like Marisol. I don't understand anything she says, but she's fit as fuck. But Lili's fun and sexy, you know? And Lottie is hot..." He scrubbed at the back of his head. "Sorry man."

Rocco smiled. "It's alright. Lottie is free to seek out a higher plane anytime."

Bobby could feel the eyes shift toward him.

"What about you Bobs? You and Lili seem like you might have something going on."

Rahim scowled and looked at Bobby. "Yeah, I've heard that."

Bobby finally turned from the mirror. He grabbed his shirt and tossed it on carelessly, while pushing down his petty desire to tell them that he'd snogged Lili's face off earlier. It would be so easy to stake his claim, as if she were an item he could carry around in his pocket. But that was disgusting and it reeked of the kind of territorial behavior he loathed. He couldn't be that person.

And so he was likely going to lose her before he ever had her. Someone else would choose her and he'd have to watch yet another guy touch Lili the way he wanted to. If he was lucky, maybe she wouldn't grow to like the lad and he could choose her later.

His stomach twisted at the thought of her being with someone else, but at least she'd still be there. He could still see her and hear her laugh and watch her smile. He could be her friend and maybe that would be enough. It would have to be.

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