Endless Valley Page 2

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I step downstairs looking around trying to find who save me I looked at the Statue and asked did you save me. It was a long pause before it responded to it and hello are you all right I was shocked I wanted to ask it a million questions.

But I will just settle for one ask it why is this happening I asked the statue it responded with they has come back for the town. I said who it responded with the forsaken a group that loves Twisted man into Abominations.

I trapped them here when they first came to torture humidity but some reason man wanted to live here. I can't just move them away from humans, they are too powerful for that they just draw humans to him.

Only they know what they would do if they escape listened intensely. It Explained to me that I can't kill them or even hurt them. I went over to my door and lock my back door and I said goodnight to the statue and walked upstairs.

And went back to sleep I know I should look deeper into it more but I can't do anything to them. I just have to survive until I moved out of this town the next day I with into town. And bought me an sks rifle with a Latin machete an I went straight to gun range.

To practice my aim people in town start looking at me funny wondering what I was doing. I got some flashlights, batteries, cameras, traps, books, generators, solar power generators.

By the afternoon I was heading home when I got there I was surprised to see my old pal. Had his back tourist me as I pulled up with my truck filled with (supplies).

He seemed upset so I stepped out and talk to him as I approach him something felt off. Then it hit me my friend lift to see his family in Russian a week ago and decided to live there. So who the hell is standing in my driveway I slowly backed up the eyes was a Dead Giveaway.

whatever that thing it was wasn't human fleshy growths grew around its eyes. The same green liquid leaked out from the other creature l jumped back into my truck.

To grab the rifle It took off running towards me just in the nick of Time I shot it. It falls back he began screaming but it wasn't human screams it was more animalistic than human.

I grabbed my machete and begin hacking at it the greenest liquid spreading everywhere. I don't stop until it stopped moving I dragged the body inside my house.

So no one would see it the statue spoke to me again it said carved my symbols into your weapons. I look closer at the statue I saw the symbols embedded into the Stone I carved the symbol into my weapons.

Then it said to pour the liquid into the symbols so I did the symbols glowed green. I raised my rifle not a drop of the liquid leaked out of the symbols those weapons now can kill it.

Endless Valley RZ1Where stories live. Discover now