Endless Valley page 18

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Lola sat beside me and waited for my answer I finally said The Road to Hell usually paved with good intentions. That's the story of my life the Caninos Killing In The Name of the good we fought for territory and power.

My father and my mother was head of the family the brain and the heart of the Caninos. My father believes it in a pie Theory well my mother believes in every life is important.

As I grew up around the time of the Fall I watch the world around me slowly become a hell of its own. Neighbour killing neighbour people didn't want hope they needed food the stress can too much for my mother.

Day in and day out she worked tirelessly to fix problems that weren't hers to keep everybody happy and safe. My father did his best to keep everything under control but slowly but surely he became more aggressive and impatient.

The more my mother got sick me and my brother was to Young at a time to realize she wasn't eating as much. And refused taking care of herself until everybody was safe and happy and then one day I ran into her room jumped on the bed and try to wake up her.

She didn't wake up so after my father came in with my brother when you saw her tears running down his face. He grabbed me and my brother and said never again the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.

Ever since that day my father swore to make sure he's feelings will never let something he's love die again. I follow his philosophy without question my brother was more lenient because he didn't see her broken and starved.

I was called The Wolf he was the fox one was good with words the other was good with guns. We killed for the family almost without question I'm ashamed did I do not question it.

But after all, I was just a teenager angry diffuse hurt and everything between. But over time my rage cooled I slowly realized. My father anger never cooled over time it only grew the more time has passed becoming more brutal and determined to keep Heartfield well-fed and protect it.

Even if it means thrown away what separated us from the bad guys we became an Unstoppable Force. But I grew tired of the fear in the people eyes I was trying to protect.

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