Endless Valley page 20

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When I got out with my friend I didn't know what to do my mind was fucked up. After the two years of hell, I didn't know what to do you probably thinking why didn't I go for Revenge.

Maybe I should have but at the time I just wanted to be okay mentally. But now I'm paying for it Daddy bears dead innocent people getting killed and war is a Bruin there's no rest for the wicked.

I smiled at Lola and said let's make sure they don't rest either she Smile back and help me up to my feet. As we walked out frostbite I made a decision I see this War through and I don't care how long it takes there will be Justice in this Redzone even if. kills me.

A couple of days has passed visit the underground and we have their support too. They have been being attacked lately but it's not a problem we sent our Soldiers
To help.

And have been making defences and strategies to kill as many of those bastards as possible. and before I forget we captured Bast's brother when they sent him after Callie. He was no problem because of Lola's  Blood-Canons she gave to her soldiers.

Red plasma burning through that assholes body it was hilarious but I won't lie took more shots than we thought. The cult is on the defensive sometimes they send scouts out to find weaknesses but only find bullets and plasma.

we going after my Father and Lola's Father she thinks they may be working together Along with many other groups. But first I must visit Daddy bear family to make sure they're all right and apologize for not doing something sooner.

As we entered his husband's house feels of guilt washed over me when the kids ran over to hug me. Daddy bear husband was in the kitchen cooking food I and Kirill were very nervous.

For his reaction but instead of yelling and blaming us he instead he cooks us some and said you must be hungry eat up. He told the kids to play upstairs for a minute they did as Told we waited for him to say something the first thing I said was I'm sorry.

He replied with don't be I know what he was like when I married him, he Always fought for what's right. But now I'm moving out this Red Zone it's too dangerous for the kids here.

I know what you going to say Roman we can protect them I know you can Roman. But can you promise me this won't happen again that another maniac who believes himself is right?

We sat in silence he was right I can't promise him that how many times do the caninos kill people like that. How many psychosis and self-righteous pricks we put in the dirt how many lives were lost because the people like them.

I pulled out a wad of cash and place it on the kitchen table and said at least let us help you get out of the Red Zone. And start over I get why if you don't want to the money but at least let us help you.

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