Endless Valley page 19

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So at one of our meetings, I explained I was leaving the family and I wanted nothing from them other than to leave. You think my father was in a rage but no he kept a calm face I replied with as long as we get to party little son before you leave the family for good.

That night I and bro along with father party like crazy I never drink because of my condition. They both were completely hamler leave me the only one capable to drive that night, was hell.

I remember that conversation like was it yesterday so son you tired of the people you tired of me tired your brother he said nocelle Italy. I can't blame your life is hard here you must do terrible things to survive your mother would be proud of you.

She did believe that one day this Redzone could be a shining Beacon of Hope. Maybe so but I doubt it but I can't have you doubt it to son so take this as a harsh lesson.

He grabbed the rotation made us smashed into another car killing the two people in the front seat and leaving the kids in the back seriously injured. So was I the broken glass cut deeply my chest and stomach I remember him saying you have to pick one son the lives of the many or the lives of the few.

You can save those kids by drinking the alcohol and send your body into overdrive but mostly likely Go to prison for killing a mother and father for drunk driving. Well, you can abandon the kids and kill me and take your rightful place as the new leader the Caninos.

But maybe you probably thinking why can't I kill you and Save the kids well it's the simple son you don't have enough time. I already called the cops before we get here they on their way here right this second.

the needs of the few or the needs of the many some random kids or your people it's up to you son. I laughed in his face and said past the fucken bottle rage covered his face but he did as I asked.

My brother watched the whole thing I could tell him wanting to do something but I told him to do nothing. After I saved the two kids one swore Revenge the other swore to forgive.

I send one to live with my teacher the other two live with her aunt for two years I was in Dead Man's Reach. I don't even want to tell you how fucked up that place is just leaving it as everybody is bought and sold there.

Endless Valley RZ1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora