Endless Valley page 3

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Then I paused what it said I look back at the creature I just killed it set up it looks straight at me. Before I could even speak it threw me across the room my back hit the wall it stood over me. Out of some sort of miracle my phone ring, it looked back at my phone. Give me enough time to aim when the creature did turn around to see me.

Our faces met and I shot it in the chest it fall back and this time the creation didn't get back up. I said fuck this and began chopping it into pieces and lit a fire in my fireplace and begin to burn the body. Yes, I noticed that a little Overkill after I disposal of the body I clean up the mess. And begin sitting up the cameras I kept asking myself why didn't I noticed this shit until now. The statue answers my question they simply said did you wanted to notice.

They had a good point I did notice this the statue, the people, the symbols, the sounds. I only just noticed this now because the creatures came for me. What's going on with this town is there something messing with my head or am I just clueless? I hooked up everything before nightfall I was using my computer to find someone to buy my house. But it turns out this place is not on Google Maps or anywhere else in the world. It just popped up one day out of nowhere I kept glancing at the cameras.

I know I should call the sheriff apartment what I'm going to say how would I explain I killed a creature that looks like a 6 feet tall friend from prison. Two teenagers running towards my house with a horde of creatures chasing behind. I ran downstairs as fast as possible and swung the door open yelling to them saying you almost here. Both managed to run inside my house just in time I slammed the door behind them.

One was a boy the other was a girl the guy looks like a stereotypical jock the muscles the jacket hell he even has the blonde hair. But the girl was different She had messy dark brown hair her skin was tad she wears some black combat pants with a dark gray jacket. Then I realized something I missed when I let them in she had a saw off MTs-255 with a pistol grip. I wanted to ask her why did she have a saw-off shotgun revolver but decided not to ask they were out of breath.

The guy said to me was thanks, man, you're a lifesaver if we stayed out there any longer we be dead. In the ground, the girl began reloading her shotgun then I said make yourselves at home I will be upstairs looking at the cameras. The girl's eyes followed me all the way upstairs to my room they not from around here that is obvious, they leave in the morning. I have nothing to worry about but still what if they steal any of supplies well I'm asleep.

Endless Valley RZ1Where stories live. Discover now