Endless Valley page 16

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When her boss gets there he had the same dark aura as before pointing everyone one edge. He slowly walked Those her with a looked of regret on his face as he places his over her forehead. He looked towards me and said Roman, I'm a man with very far fears but I'm still a mortal human.

Just like you but what I'm going asked of you will change you forever and you people. There will be no turning back are you willing to listen to a broke man. I replied with yes but will it help Bast he smiled and said yes but you have to be the first he raised his other hand towards me.

he clutches my hand and her symbols slowly crawl over his body onto my arms. But They were somehow different when they pass over to me as he did that her breathing slowly became normal. When he has finished the symbols on my skin slowly disappeared.

He asked me, do I want the power of the black dog and the lord of nightmares I to want to question him. But I didn't Bast needed me and everyone else too so let it go and said yes he replied with it's going to be a little painful.

He wasn't lying he craved symbols of beasts and hounds into my arms it took him 2 hours to finish. The symbols became darken until they look like tattoos less than a minute later Shadows cling to my arms.

And hounds made of Shadows was by my side everyone was shot I asked him what did he do? He smiled and said I remove some of her words of power and place it inside of you.

Because you lack any magical energy but don't worry it didn't hurt Bast her. But lucky for your men, they have some magical energy so I don't have to transfer the symbols on to them.

All I have to do is craved into them to gave them the power I looked towards my people. And said do all you want this hyena push through the crowd and said I do anything to bring those who hurt my friends and family to Justice.

He worked Non-Stop for 3 days straight as he worked, I and Lola visit Frostbite. A native American young woman leads her tribe to fight back against The Hunters Society. We offered her to join us to fight for upcoming war without hesitation she said yes with a fire in her eyes that I could not describe.

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