Endless Valley page 10

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I woke and set-up to feel the pain in my ribs I went downstairs to get me something to eat. You think nothing by now would surprise me when I saw 6 feet tall Russian man come in with a bear hug won't terrify me. You're sorely mistaken because I'm almost shitted my pants the hug was crushing and Pleasant at the same time.

The preteen girl set on my couch watching TV and said keep it down over there trying to live my childhood. And how do you two even meet, before I could say anything my Russian friend said from prison small child. The preteen girl said whoa what did he do in a sarcastic voice Bast give her a look and she shut up. I asked him why you come back so soon he said back you're my brother we kept each other safe after the prison and while in prison too.

To abandon you will be Unforgivable to the highest order of being a good man and why didn't you tell me about you fighting off hordes of Beast. Sometimes I feel you see me as a child but don't forget we are the same age. Roman what's my name I sighed and said Kirill he replied with that's my name Brother. He laughs for a good minute and sighed at the end and said I wish you would have told me, brother, so you won't be so hard on your self.

I petted him on the back and said don't worry about my brother we survived this long we survived a little bit longer. Kirill smiled and said you always knew how to cheer me up, Roman Bast looked happy for me. The preteen girl kept looking at the TV and said hi can someone teach me new abilities in this room because I only know how to use Fireball and flaming fists. Everyone in the room Look puzzled we didn't know the first thing about Magic.

Then the statue spoke up there's a man in town who has the knowledge you seek. He does not draw Power from The Entity ram he draws power from the void if you wish to speak with him he owns a voodoo shop in town.  

The statue went back silent we all looked at each other and wondered why would he tell us now. Kirill said something that we should have thought about hours ago he said okay not to be the bringer of the bad news but should we find this girl a home.

Bast set up and headed me some papers my eyes get bigger to what they said it said Bast is the preteen girl's new foster mom. I was diffuse on how she got the paper's so fast but I Shake it Off if she's ready to take on this responsibility I won't stop her. I looked around my living room and felt something I have forgotten years ago. People that I carry about and people that carry about me it is the feeling of.....Family.

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