Endless Valley page 12

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I knew he was right but this group was wrong it felt like a cult by how loyal they're to their causes but was military enough to use tactics like used the unknowns to mess with the police force to the point. they had to look away or they lost too many people and the smaller gangs try to take over the town but were soon wiped out one by one.

but when the police force almost competed killed off by an unknown then the shit really hit the fan monsters attacks become an every night thing but soon I showed up and fight back. shiting on their plans by showing the people that they can fight back and not just hind so they keep sending monsters my way and I keep killing them, at the time doing that I end saving Callie.

 soon they realize they could kill me and get the Callie at someplace at some time the rest should be history because I already talked about it so make a long story short they or way more dangerous. then they leading on and before rushing into battle we needed more insight about The Twisted and the only way to get that was two options join them to get more info and risk getting killed by them or get info by torturing key members of The Twisted.

yeah, that was a no brainer but it doesn't mean I trust them they forgetting what they used to stand for Family, Loyalty..... sorry but I can't help. but feel my fury rush through my veins every time I think about how my grandfather used to see the Caninos as scared heroes who always try to do the right thing. the day I sew grandfather lost in the Caninos but he never hopes in me and my brother even when we still believe they still could do some good.

until I have seen how far they were willing to go they sell criminals and their body parts to the Detoxers just so you know they are the cruelest, insensitive, none morals group in Heartfield they do anything for the name of science even test people. we once were at war with them in the past because of atrocities they committed to people I feel nothing but shame for what I have done.

how many lives have I taking in the past how people want me dead how meantimes I lost loved ones because I didn't stop believing in the Caninos as writing this I hate myself. so damn much those days because I'm realizing that I could do something anything to stop what they were doing, sorry I have to go so one just called me.


Endless Valley RZ1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora