Endless Valley page 17

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As we left the village Lola was very serious through the whole meeting something was bothering her. When it was over she told me to follow her I did as she asked her tone never changed.

Lola looked me dead in the eyes and said their nowhere near Ready for War. I Replied with maybe but we don't have much of a choice here we don't have nearly enough numbers to protect our homes and fight a war at the same time.

We will be completely divided and I'll be able to take us out divide and conquer only reasons they haven't attacked us. Is because we able to fight back and we have the only person that can help them to their end goal.

Lola swings her fist into a tree and says I have a way to make them ready and give us enough numbers. But you might not like what you going to see and many people may get hurt and we both have to keep this between us.

I nodded it she continued to talk and said my man found a deep I would try to explain what it is. But we don't even fully now just like a portal into a new world but this world is wrong you can never die but you be in near-constant conflict.

We begin to call the place no man's land because it just like World War II trenches. Near constant War, fighting and killing it makes soldiers out of them yet but it might cost them their sanity.

And the second solution to our problem I have a lot of clones who want revenge for my half clone sister. And no I'm not joking my life is very complicated but it does give us a very good advantage.

Along with some war machines and some Red Tech, we could win but at the cost of a few lives.

I sat down in the snow and pundit how far are we willing to go to win the war I finally replied with us only. let the volunteers go we will not force people to go there.

And for the Clones tell them they can join the fight but only to protect the civilians. If they cannot do this simple task they will not you joining in the war how that sound to you.

Lola smiled and said you do have a mind for war but I can tell something else is on your mind. Tell me how you end up in prison and why does that boy that he doesn't blame you.

I wanted to say no let's focus on business but you can only push back your demons so far and so many times. I rub my hands together like I was a child in trouble the memories the regrets the shame.

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