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Genre: Angsts romance.

Whenever he thinks of her, he'll run. Just to forget her for awhile.

Whenever he thinks of her, he'll run

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Whenever he thinks of her, he'll run. For ten minutes. Long enough to forget her for a while.

Finn Wolfhard remembered years ago, the day when Sadie Sink was introduced to the whole cast of Stranger Things for Season 2 as Maxine Mayfield. It was one of Netflix's hit shows during the time written by The Duffer Brothers and unexpectedly popular around the globe. Following the success, the Duffer Brothers decided to add new casts to the show. Sadie Sink was one of the few casts. Little did the curly haired boy know his life will about to change from the moment red haired girl stepped into the set with a crew member on her side, she showed her pixie smile and her awkward wave to everyone. She was friendly and shy as she introduced herself and that's where their eyes met for the first time.

He got drawn when his eyes met her gaze. She got this calm ocean blue eyes contrast to the hair color she got which is strawberry red, a cute round nose and a natural pink tint on her cheeks while her smile still attached on her face. She lends her right hand out to him as he reached out his. Their skin touched and that brings out Finn Wolfhard backs to reality.

Few years together as costars, both of them grows an unbreakable friendship. The show brings them closer personally and he would describe their friendships as a brother and sister until one day, one of his cast mates Caleb McLaughlin admitted that he got feelings for her which no one knows about except him.

"Wait, you like her? Like more than friends?" he questioned. His brows furrowed in confusion as he sips his smoothies. They were at a secluded diner at Hawkins where the filming still in progress while the other casts shoot their scenes for about an hour now. 

Caleb smiled and nodded. Finn sighed deeply. Something tucked his heart strings when he saw how happy Caleb was whenever he mentioned her name. He held his breathe for a while.

"Are you sure? Is it not because of the fans pressured you to act this way, right? Don't let then go inside your mind," Finn snorted.

"I thought so too, but I don't know.. like every time I saw her, my heart went crazy and I can't act properly around her which is kinda awkward because every time she asked me something, I would stuttered and make myself like a dumb man," Caleb explained in desperation. Finn rolled his eyes and shaking his head.

"Caleb, I know I'm no one to tell you this, but feelings will fade soon, because from what you just told me, I think it was just a crush you have for her, you know the shipping on the shows pushed you to this feelings and so...," Finn stopped talking as Caleb cut him off.

"Alright, alright, I guess so, but I hope it'll go sooner as you said," Caleb told him.

Deep inside Finn's heart, he hopes the same thing as well.

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