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Genre: Neighbor theme.

Continuation of previous chapter. Inspired by AWAE.

Part Two

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Part Two

Sadie Sink was invited to an exhibition grand party by her boss because her articles recently made a huge success when the public starting to vote for their journalist favorite every year ending and Sadie Sink was chosen. Despite her lack interests in party, her boss told her to use this chance to mix around influential people.

She couldn't fit in no matter how hard she tried, so she just lingered around the buffet table and fine-arts that were less popular and crowded. The exhibition was held in a grand hotel that Sadie only passed by when she took a cab to town. She knew this kind of event was totally out of her league. She was wearing a simple and most expensive strapless black dress she could afford to have, yet it still couldn't be compared to what the rest of the rich associates were wearing. Her red wavy hair was tied into a bun.

She couldn't wait till this over and done with. The night was finally over and Sadie's boss kindly drove and dropped her at the pavement in front of her apartment building. Bidding goodbye and goodnight, Sadie heaved a sigh of relief when she watched the car disappeared down the road, feeling free from all those awkward and overly-polite conversations.

Her heels clacked against the stairs as she went up the second floor, deciding that she needed at least 12 hours of sleep to re-energize herself. Her weary eyes soon lit up when she noted Poppy walking towards her and greeting her by rubbing its cheeks against her feet.

"Hello Poppy. I don't have any fishy for you tonight." Sadie bent, unable to squat down due to her dress. She was about to pat the brown cat when it jumped away and stood by Finn's door.

Its head then pushed the already ajar door and it went in.

Sadie straightened her back and inclined her head, confusion masking her appearance. This got to be the very first time she saw her neighbor to be so careless to not lock his door; He had always been particular about his privacy after all. She clutched onto her purse tightly and moved uncertainly towards Finn's house. With hesitation, she pushed the door knob.

"Finn Wolfhard?" She called out once she poked her head inside. "Hello?" It was too dark to see anything.


Frowning, Sadie pushed the door wide, letting some light from outside to enter. To her immense horror, Poppy was sitting beside its owner, who was lying on the floor and obviously unconscious.

"Finn Wolfhard?! Finn!" She fell to her knees; her delicate dress was the least of her worries now.

"Finn! Hey!"

Despite shaking his shoulder several time, there wasn't an answer.

Sadie hastily fumbled through her bag and whipped out her phone, her trembling fingers running across the number to call for an ambulance. Her voice was stuck in her throat several times that the receiver had to help to calm Sadie down before she could properly say the address.

Of Pull and Bear.                       ( Completed/FADIE )Where stories live. Discover now