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Genre: Police theme and alternate universe ( the last theme and the final chapter)

In which Finn had an undercover missions and a feisty red hair girl will always be there messed with him.

Even if Finn Wolfhard hadn't got a clear picture of what he wanted in life five years ago, he knew it would certainly not be this

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Even if Finn Wolfhard hadn't got a clear picture of what he wanted in life five years ago, he knew it would certainly not be this.

Finn sighed and pressed the doorbell.

He was half praying there wouldn't be an answer when a woman flung open the door two seconds later, her blue eyes were the first thing that caught his attention before he scrutinized her long wavy red hair and simple T-shirt that was matched with a pair comfortable jeans. Her jeans were almost the same color as his overalls, not like it mattered, though this irrelevant and insignificant thought still randomly struck his head. His brain was slowly shutting down from the boring and dirty job he had been doing since morning, and this was only the fifth apartment. Unless this was it, there would be another twelve more to go.

"Great! You're finally here!" The lady exclaimed and stepped away for Finn to enter. He picked up his heavy tool box he'd previously left on the ground and trudged inside the apartment, kicking his shoes aside before going any further to ruin the nice looking peach carpet she had.

He took his chance, surveying the entire living room and the kitchen that was further inside the house with a glimpse, until she suddenly faced him with a smile. "Anyway, I'm Sadie Sink," she introduced herself.

Finn groaned in his head. Was it really necessary? He hated name-picking the most. "Richie Tozier." Now he got to make sure any documents related to this plumbing experience was under that name.

She nodded her head and gestured him over to her room that was just a turn and past the small dining table. His habit kicked in again as he scanned around the bright bedroom. Smooth bed sheets, bunch of photographs stuck all over the wall, frilly drawn up curtains, organized and simple desk...

Finn instantly deciphered three things from this woman.

Meticulous. Cheerful. Single.

He guilty glanced across Sadie Sink's chest, slightly wondering if this factor had caused him to think of the last point.

"I've spoken in the phone but yeah, there's something wrong with the flushing system," Sadie stepped past her large cabinet and opened another door at the corner of the room, revealing the purpose of his visit; the bathroom. He followed behind her as she shook her head disappointingly at the toilet before pointing at the bathtub.

"The drainage system is all choked up too."

"No problem," Finn mustered a professional smile. "It'll be done."

"Thank you so much!" She clasped her hands together and watched him settle his tool box on the ceramic floor in mix elation and curiousness. Finn tapped a finger patiently on his box and turned over to Sadie Sink when she still showed no sign of leaving.

Of Pull and Bear.                       ( Completed/FADIE )Where stories live. Discover now