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Genre: Sad and Angst.

Inspired by the Marriage Story. In which Finn and Sadie had a complex relationship.

A female voice crackled over the loudspeaker in proclamation of a flight's imminent boarding

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A female voice crackled over the loudspeaker in proclamation of a flight's imminent boarding. It rang above the noise of the milling crowds, of baggage claims and clunking luggage and rushing footsteps and other general chaos.

The automatic doors opened before him, letting him step from the airport out into the darkness of the night. Instantly, he shivered; it was surprisingly chilly. Good thing he'd worn a coat.

Finn Wolfhard glanced around at the city he hadn't been back to in years. It didn't feel like much had changed, but then again, he also hadn't seen much, having been back for mere minutes. And the city itself was of little consequence. There was something else that concerned him more..

He shook his head. No, he couldn't let himself wonder about that. If he sought that special thing out, it would undoubtedly only end in more hurt. Instead, he headed out. In spite of the slight chill, it was a pleasant enough night—he would walk, he decided. Hopefully, the night air would clear his head and stop him thinking any further thoughts on that particular matter.

It was enough of a risk as it was, coming back here at all.

Best to not push his luck.

He did, however, take the long route towards his ultimate destination. It was so strange to wander the streets and places he had frequented as a teenager—the neighborhoods, the school...everywhere. He felt like a complete stranger, passing through a strange land that until, for the last several years, had only existed in memory.

He paused in front of one house in particular. The wave of memories associated with that place were enough to bring a sad smile to his lips. So much had happened behind those walls...he shook his head and turned away. Now was not the time to be woolgathering or let himself drown in what-if's and maybe's. He shouldn't even be here—someone could see him.

He'd walked about half a block when it happened: the floor dropped out from under him.


He froze in his tracks, one foot poised to take the next step. His well resting tired face was the only thing keeping his jaw from dropping. Inside his pockets, his hands clenched into fists, and he steadied himself carefully before slowly turning around; the speaker was standing a couple of meters behind him, the glow of the streetlamp making it impossible to mistake her. She must have just come out of the house he'd been so entranced by.

"...Sadie ."

Oh God...

The past several years had been kind. She had held onto her adorable qualities through high school, but that had all finally melted away into the bloom of adulthood. It was reflected even in the clothes she wore: black pants and a red sweater under a charcoal-colored jacket.

Of Pull and Bear.                       ( Completed/FADIE )Where stories live. Discover now