No. 3~ Call The Family

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"I'll have the front desk call your family and the DeGrate family about your awakening.", Dr. Mayans said while walking away from my bed and out the room. Oh great.Hopefully this process can be smooth and quick. I miss speaking clearly.

to be continued...

Dr. Mayans POV
I walked away from Miss Fang's room and went to the front desk. "Hey Sheena.", I said to a nurse in the front desk. "Hey Kierynie. You still going out with me and Trinity tomorrow night?", Sheena asked. "Depends. You still got the Fang and DeGrate's phone numbers?", I asked.  

 Sheena looked at me with a confused look on her face. "Yeah. What happened?", She asked. "Miss Fang finally woke up from the coma we had her in.", I said. Sheena smiled and said,"Finally. Do you know how many times I had to keep telling that family that I don't know when she'll wake up? It was alot.", she said. I nodded my head and she wrote down the Fang and DeGrate families' numbers on a sticky note. "Here you go.", Sheena said to me. "Thanks. I'll let you know when I'll be ready to whoop yo ass in dominoes.", I said. "Mhm. Well it sounds like you wanna lose again?", Sheena said playfully. "Whateva. Do your job Missy!", I said in a funny tone while walking away from the front desk. I stopped at Miss DeGrate's room and decided to call the DeGrate family first. "Ma'am?', Dyana said nervously. 

I stepped inside of her room. "Yes? Is there anything you need Miss DeGrate?", I asked her. " not really. I just have one question.", she said. "Okay. What's your question?", I said. "My dad was talking about this girl that he knows. He said her name was Jen. He said she was with me in the car crash I think I had. Do you know who Jen is?", she said. "Jen?...Oh her name's Zhen not Jen.", I said. "Oh, now I feel bad. Is she okay?", Dyana asked. "Yes, she's okay. She finally woke up from the coma she was in. Now I'm just going to call your family that she's woke and will soon be ready to recover.", I said to her. 

I took two steps away from Miss DeGrate's hospital bed and dialed Mr. DeGrate's phone number. "Hello?", Mr. DeGrate said in a very low and deep voice. "Mr. DeGrate? Hey, this is Dr. Mayans and I have some good news.", I said. "For real? What is it?", he asked. "Zhen..has finally woken up.", I said in a happy tone. There was silence after I said that. 

"Umm..Mr. DeGrate? Are you still there?", I said. "Y-Y-Y-Yeah. I-I just...can't really believe it.", he said. "Well, would you like to speak to her on the phone?", I asked him. "Uhh sure. I wanna hear her. You might just be bullshittin' no offense.", he said. I chuckled and began to walk to Miss Fang's room. Zhen was still awake and was getting fed some chicken soup we gave for her first meal back to the real world. "Miss Fang, someone wants to speak to you.", I said to her. Zhen just shook her head no. Oh crap. I forgot she can't articulate. "Oh Mr. DeGrate, there's something I have to tell you about Miss Fang since she's been up.", I said. "She's tired? I can just come up there and see her myself with her family. Or is she doing something else?", he quickly said. 

"No, it's nothing like that. She's done eating her lunch. It's just that...due to the car accident, she has brain damage. That brain damage has greatly affected her speech so when she speaks she speaks in broken English or just stay silent. She knows that she can't really speak that well so she gets very embarrassed to talk and when she struggle on a word she has a migraine. So be careful what you say to her and don't try correct her.", I said to him. 

"Damn and I won't.", he said. "Okay. I'm gonna let you talk to her.", I said to him while passing my phone to Miss Fang. "Here. Someone really wants to talk to you.", I said to her as she grabbed the phone.


Zhen's POV

Dr. Mayans passed me the phone and at first I was attempting to grab the phone with my right hand but I remembered that it's fucking broken. So I used my left hand. I placed the phone onto my ear and was very hesitant to say anything. "Hello? Zhen?", a voice said. It was Devante and I wanted to say hi but instead I said, "Divonce? Hi." "Yeah it's me. I've missed you so much. You had a nigga crying and shit like a bitch.", Devante said while giggling a little. 

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