The 901 Battle

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**Before we go into the next chapter, I just have to say...HEYYYY MY CANADIAN READERS. I see yall reading this weak ass story gurl. No disrespect to my American readers but I've been waiting for some Canadian folks on this bitch since Deeper Meaning. And to all the ladies from America & Canada reading this, yall sum bad bitches. I fuck with yall but yall hoes need to comment on here. It be dry as shit on here without any of yall and that's on periodt pooh ;)**


January 2nd, 2020

7 pm

Memphis, TN

Devante's POV

Mannnnn Tennessee is the state to live in. I had a celebration for the music I was apart of in Kingsport. Then I went to a bunch of strip clubs in Pigeon Forge. I don't know why those strip clubs were clean as hell. Don't worry I didn't touch or fuck any of the strippers if that's what yall think. 

Now the thing that caught me by surprise was that Kelly said the first place we'll meet was Kingsport and the last was Memphis but instead it's reverse. I mean I don't have any issues with it, I just wanna know why the switch up.

Now I'm Memphis at this hotel called The Hilton with Shawn. Shawn's phone rang. Shawn looked at his phone and checked it. "Mister Devante. We need to go see Ms. Kelly. She said we need to go to a place called LazerTron.", Shawn said. "Is that far from here?", I asked him. "I don't know. I thought you knew. I've never been to Tennessee before.", Shawn said.

My phone rang. I checked to see who was calling. It was Kelly. "Hello?", I answered the phone. "Devante?", Kelly said. "Yeah?", I said. "Well, it seems like there was some type of misunderstanding with the flight attendants. You're supposed to be in Kingsport right now.", she said.  "You're still in Kingsport right now?", I asked her.

She giggled. "Nope. I'm down in Memphis like you and Shawn are. Just meet me in LazerTron and we can finally talk to each other one-on-one.", she said. "Where is LazerTron? Is that far from the hotel or what?", I asked. "Yes, it's far from the hotel you're in but luckily your limo driver who's outside the building is a Memphis native so he knows the shortcuts everywhere.", Kelly said. "Damn. You just got shit ready for a nigga.", I said. "Of course. I  only do it for the ones that I fuck with and I fuck with you. Now, go downstairs so we can meet up.", Kelly said before hanging up. 

"Aye Shawn. The limo driver's here. We need to get down there now.", I said to him. "Okay.", Shawn said while walking towards the door, opening it for me. I went through the door and we walked down two flights of stairs because we were inside a hotel room. Finally, we made it ground level and saw the limo.

One of the butlers of the hotel said, "Devante and Shawn?" "Yes sir.", we both said in unison.  The butler then opened the limo doors for us to get inside. Once Shawn and I got comfortable and sat down inside the limo, the butler closed the door. 

I heard a window going down and didn't know where it was at. "Good afternoon gentlemen. My name's Rufus. I'm yall limo driver. Miss Kelly told me to drop yall off at LazerTron. Are yall ready to go?", he said. "We're ready to go.", Shawn said. "Alright then. To LazerTron we go.", Rufus said while rowing the window back up. After that, Rufus started driving.


It took a while but we finally made to our destination. Rufus rowed the window down an said, "Yall. Here we go. LazerTron." I tapped on Shawn who was knocked out to let him know we made it. "Lemme just stop right in front of the door so yall can just walk in the door.", Rufus said. He then did what he said, and parked in front of the door of LazerTron.

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