The Kidney Transfer: The Real Deal

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I can't believe I was fucking daydreaming. That shit felt real like a muthafucka. Once I was done with everything, I grabbed my keys and ZOOMED out the door into my car, driving to the damn hospital. I hope this transfer goes smoothly for both of us.

To be continued...

8:45 am

Devante's POV

I rushed inside the hospital and ran to the front desk. "Is Dr. Mayans here?", I asked one of the nurses. "Uh...yeah. What do you need her for?", the nurse asked me. "...I'm here for the kidney transfer. Do you know Dyana DeGrate? I'm her kidney donor.", I asked. The nurse was looking through the computer.

"Okay. I see her. Yeah, you're Mr. DeGrate, right?", she asked. "Y-Yeah. That's me. Is she ready for me?", I asked her. "Yeah, she's ready for you.  Dr. Mayans is coming shortly.", she said.  I stood for a couple of minutes and waited. 

"Mr. DeGrate?", a woman said. I looked up and saw Dr. Mayans. "Yes?", I said. "She's ready. Come with me.", she said. We walked into several rooms until finally making it to the surgery room. "We're here.", Dr. Mayans said. 

"What do I have to do?", I asked. "Just take your clothes off and wear this gown and hair net.", she told me. "Okay. How long do you think this will take?", I asked her. "I have no idea, Mr. DeGrate. That all depends on how well Dyana's body reacts to your kidney. Her body is very different compared to yours.". she said.

"I get it.", I said. "Well...I'll see in the next ten minutes, Mr. DeGrate.", Dr. Mayans said before closing the door so I could change my clothes. Alright. We really about to do this. God...I know you and I haven't had the best relationship but I need you right now. I need you to keep here for my family and Zhen. I promise I'll do my best as a grown man. I WILL get my shit together if you let me stay, recover quickly, and breather for another day. 

"Mr. DeGrate? Are you done?", Dr. Mayans said while knocking on the door. I had finally change myself into the hospital gown and this itchy ass hair net. "Yes ma'am, I'm done changing.", I said. Dr. Mayans opened the door and I turned around and saw her. "Alright. Can you give me your clothes? I'll put them in a bag. They'll be on a chair near you once you begin recovering from the transfer.", she said.

I nodded my head and gave her my clothes. "Thank you. Are you ready to go into the surgery room?", Dr. Mayans asked me. "Yeah. Let's see how this goes.", I said. We walked towards the surgery room. We saw these two large magentas doors. We stopped in front of them.

"You can press that button right there.", Dr. Mayans said while pointing to a little black button. I pressed the little black button and the door automatically opened. Dr. Mayans started walking through the doors. I didn't move at all. "Mr. DeGrate? Are you coming? It's okay if you want back out right now. Dyana isn't being operated on just yet.", she said.

"No. I'm not backing down. I'm ready. I'm just...really anxious. I just want both of us to be alive and well after this.", I said. Dr.Mayans sighed and held my hand. "Mr. DeGrate, I can't promise you anything but you need to get it together before we put you under anesthesia. I'd like it 1000x better if I put you to sleep without being so worrisome. And I'm saying this as a doctor and a nice person.", she said to me while setting me up in the hospital bed.

I laid right next to Dyana who was already under anesthesia. She looks so peaceful and relaxed. "Ight. I'm ready. Put me to sleep.", I said to Dr. Mayans. "You sure? Once you're asleep, it'll take some time for you to wake up.", she said to me. "My mind's clear as it's gonna be and I ready to give her my kidney.", I said.

Dr. Mayans hugged me and grabbed a breathing mask for me. She put it on me and one of the nurses turned the anesthesia machine on. "Okay. Mr. DeGrate. My name's Wanda and I'm your anesthesiologist. I'm turning the machine on for you right now. So what I'm going to do is just count from 100 to 1, okay?", the nurse said. 

I nodded my head and relaxed. I know this about to be the best sleep I'll have in a month. "Okay, Mr. DeGrate. You ready?", Wanda asked me. I nodded my head again. "Alright. 100, 99,98, 97...", Wanda counted.

In my head, I was counting with her. "Are you feeling sleepy yet?", Wanda asked. "No.", I said while looking around the room. Damn it's so many fucking bright ass lights in here. "Okay. Let's keep counting. 96,95,94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89,87...", Wanda continued. She managed to get the 70s and I began to feel sleepy and tired as hell  "76,75,74,73,72,71,6-", Wanda said before I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I was out like a light.

to be continued...

Hey yall!!!! I just wanna update yall on myself real quick. This semester in college is fucking over and I'm just relaxing, detoxing, and chilling on this winter break. I wanna give a shoutout to BennyBearrCrazyMadMan999liab2938RiRi148, & heartless_kay for reading my first book, Deeper Meaning, and reading this book (the sequel yall).

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