Jabari, Kaylan & I

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Later on this night

8:37 pm

Zane's POV

This time Jabari drove to Kaylan's house. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I actually have butterflies in my stomach. 4869 General Hoy Street. We're really going to her house. I guess Jabari sensed my anxiousness because he grabbed my shoulder. "Relax Zane. You'll sweep her off her feet with your charm. Just remember to breathe in and breathe out.", he said. 

He's right. I can't freeze up once I'm talking to you. Of course, you're a very direct and straightforward woman. You have a strong sense of dominance. It resembles like the dominance of a man but..your dominance is different. You're a queen but have a king's mentality.  Hell, that mentality kind of scares the hell out of me. But that's what pulled me towards you.

"Brother, we're here. Are you ready?", Jabari asked me. I didn't say a word. Foolish of me to actually think I could charm such a complex yet cardinal being. "Here. Use your inhaler.", Jabari said to me while giving me my inhaler. My inhaler is filled with medical steroids for my lungs and I also swallowed one pill of ecstasy.  I want to be sure that this is the right moment for us to finally express our love to once another. This is not lust. This is an act of love that I must do to get your full-on affection and approval.

"I'm ready. Pass me those flowers and the teddy bear with the camera inside its' eyes please.", I asked Jabari. Jabari nodded his head and passed me the flowers and the bear. "Good luck and give her a moist kiss for me while you're in there.", Jabari said. I chuckled and got out of the car.

I dusted off my clothes and calmed myself down before stepping to her door. Ah, yes. Zane, you got this. Just calm down. I rang her doorbell. There wasn't a response. I shrugged it off and rang the doorbell again. "Who is it?", a muffled voice inside asked. "It's me...Aubrey.", I said. 

"Aubrey Morte? My cousin's tutor, right?", Kaylan asked. "Yes. I just want to talk to you for a minute. Is it okay if I could come in?", I asked her.


Kaylan's POV

"Yes. I just want to talk to you for a minute. Is it okay if I could come in?", he asked me. I honestly don't wanna answer this nigga's question at all. I wanna go back to bed. "If you don't want me to, you can just say so. I wouldn't be upset if you say so.", he said. Gotdamn. He sounds so fucking pathetic. I know he's supposed to be this nice gentleman but I just can't help but feel like he's a fucking sociopath who has a weird fetish for something.

"Zhen called me last night. She said after I left something happened. Do you know what happened to her? She looked terrible.", he said. Goddamnit Zhen. I sighed and said, "Did she tell you what happened?". "No, she doesn't remember much. The last thing she remembers is that one I gave her those cupcakes, she ate one, and then I left. That's all she remembers.", he said.

I gave up interrogating him. I sighed and then opened the door. That's when I saw him. Once the door was fully open, Aubrey had a huge smile on his face. I was speechless. He had all of my favorite colors on roses with a teddy bear.

"Uhh...what's all that for? Is that for your wife?", I asked him. He laughed. "No, silly. These are for you.", he said. He said it with such honesty. I just had to believe him.


Zane's POV

Here I am. Finally, speaking to you. She looks even more beautiful up close and personal. Her skin is a deep brown complexion and looks so smooth to kiss. Zhen never told me about how many beauty marks Kaylan has. She's got so many on her body. One on top of her right hand. Two above her left eye. One on her top lip. Even one on her neck and collarbone. She must've always been special and beautiful all of her lives before now.

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