42 5 2

5:33 p.m.

Zhen's house

Dyana's POV

Life's been so great since Zhen and I recovered from that car crash. Mentally I've been driven to do better and to even being more of a badass mom to my son. Today's my uncle girlfriend's birthday today, so I thought that maybe I can swing by Zhen's house since Dad told me that's where the party's at and give her a small present.

I was driving my way there with my brand new Hummer. I decided to call Dad so he could let me in through the back door. "Aye what's up man. My bad if I can't get to my phone right now. It's too many sexy ladies in the room right now. Lemme call you back. Peace.", my dad's voicemail said making me laugh. "He is such a character I swear.", I said to myself while giggling.

After a couple more turns and stop signs, I finally made it to Zhen's house. I parked my Hummer behind my uncle's car in the driveway. I opened my car door to get out and noticed that Zhen's front door was completely wide open. "What the hell?", I said. As my curiosity continued to grow, I playfully walked my way up to the front door and yelled, "SURPRISE. Happy Birth-". I opened my eyes before birthday could fully come out of my mouth.


We are sorry to interrupt your daily programs but this is breaking news on Channel 5 for your 5 o'clock news. 

Good evening, my name's Tracy Lapkins and we have some extremely devastating news today. If you can recall a few months ago, a woman named Zhen Fang-Ways was involved in a deadly car crash that nearly took her life away. Well, it seems that she can't catch a break because today her house was broken into and the police have said that it was planned break-in. A woman who wants to remain unknown called the police to let them know what she had seen. 

That's right Tracy. Even the police made a statement regarding of the situation.  Let's hear what the police department had to say.


Oregon Police Department (OPD) Announcement

This horrendous act was a planned out break in that ended in bloodshed. This case will be classified as a "high order of violence" since we have found two badly wounded high profile celebrities from Ms. Fang-Ways house. 

Victim #1 was found at the front door vnearly bleeding to death with bullet wounds in his stomach, chest, and the vessels o.f his arms.

Victim #2 was found  in the kitchen with his face full of blood. We assumed that he was wounded with knives in the kitchen because with finding him in the kitchen, we also found butcher knives across from him. Unfortunately like victim #1, victim #2 was seriously wounded.

Victim #2 only conisted of bullet wounds in the chest. His face is bruised as well. He has a  busted lip from falling, two knots on his frontal lobe and a black eye. 

Victim #1 and #2 are sibilings. They are identified as members of the well known, successful and influential  r&b boy band named Jodeci. Victim #1 was identified as Dalvin DeGrate also known as Mr.Dalvin in Jodeci. Victim #2 was identified as Donald DeGrate also known as Devante Swing in Jodeci. These are our high profile celebrity victims. 

They are both in critical condition and are currently on breathing machines as we speak. Once they are in stable condition, we will question them about what happened and what other parties were there during the break-in because we believe there were more people in the house for a birthday party that was held today.

And as we searched through the house and we found a messy scene in one bedroom. There were clothes, bed sheets and a open condom wrapper on the floor. On the mattress there was a medium size amount of blood , suggesting that someone was raped, murdered or highly injured. There was also signs of struggle near the bed. A lamp was broken and  has blood on it as well showing signs of someone struggling. 

We are not sure what happened but we will find out. This will not be cold case. This will be not ignored. This is a problem and once we find our solution, we will make another announcement. Until then, we will no longer answer anymore questions. Thank you.


Until we know who for sure did the violent break in,  make sure that you always be careful who trust and have relations with. Things can get dangerous just like that. I'm Tracy  Lapkins from Channel 5 signing off. Thank you for watching

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