New Year, New Opportunity (Part 1)

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 gave him my address and my parents and I finally got the fuck away from the hospital. Damn it feels good to be going home. I see how Dyana felt once her surgery was over. I can't wait to surprise Devante and his family tomorrow.

to be continued...

December 31st, 2019

Happy New Year yall <3

Devante's POV

It's been a minute since Kelly called me. Not gone lie but I'm hella scared of what her deal is. It sounded like something good but anything that sounds too good to be true really ain't shit. She knows about my debt and Jodeci's label issue. I just hope whatever the fuck she has to say is true and not a scam.

My phone rang. 

"Hello?", I said. "Devante. Hey.", she said. Zhen?  I completely froze up once I heard her voice. It's been a while since we've talked. "Devante? Are you there?", Zhen asked. I snapped back into reality and said, "Yeah, you just surprised me. You're still in the hospital?" 


Zhen's POV

Shit. You just have to ask. "Uhh...yeah. I'm still in the hospital.", I lied. "When do you think you'll be discharged?", Devante asked. "I'm not sure. They keep postponing it. I mostly heard them say mid to late January.", I kept lying to him. "What the fuck? You want me to come up there?", Devante asked eagerly. "No. No no. It's not that serious. I'm fine. My mom's coming in the next couple of minutes.", I said.

"She's seeing you? Without me? Damn. You just forgot about a nigga I see?", he said jokingly. "Boy I-...let me stop.", I said before almost revealing my surprise. "You what? Naw, keep going. Don't stop now. What were you about to say?", he asked. "Nothing. Hold on. My mom calling me. I'll call you back.", I said.

"Mhm.", Devante said before hanging up. I sighed once he hung up. Shit. I almost ruined my cover for my surprise for him. "This is so exciting.", my cousin, Kaylan, said. It didn't hit me that Kaylan lives a street down Devante's house. So I told her about the surprise I have for him and told her to join and help me. "Bitch I'm nervous as hell. What if he doesn't like it?", I asked her.

Kaylan sighed. "See that's your problem right there. Just think about it. Like really think about it. Name one thing he would NOT like about this? I mean besides those funky ass flowers. What else would he not like? If it's a gift or any type of present that's from the heart, he'll love it to death. I mean remember when Madison gave me that red motorcycle?", Kaylan said.

"Yeah. That shit was raggedy as fuck and every time you got on it, you would always leave a big ass streak on the street.", I said. "It wasn't raggedy. It was just old.", Kaylan said. I looked at her. "See? You might think that I wouldn't like it.", Kaylan said. "Okay. I see your point..but still, that motorcycle was twenty years older than you.", I said. "Yeah, that I can't deny. As long as you and him think it's something special and coming from the heart it doesn't matter if it's old, new, funky or whatever else.", she said.

"You know, you should definitely be a therapist.", I told her. "Fuck no.", Kaylan said abruptly. "Why not? You'd really help a lot of people out with their problems.", I said. "True but the whole process of being trying to be one is exhausting. Plus, I'm really happy with how my career has been since day one. Let's stop focusing on me and call Devante back and let him know "your mom" is at his house.", Kaylan said. "Fine. Stay quiet. I'm about to call him.", I said.

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