C R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G (Act I)

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating as I've been promising that I would. A lot of things have been happening globally ( and personally for me). My physical health has been going back and forth. My mental health is up to par since I've been practicing with some mediation, donating & signing petitions for the BLM, and doing what I can do. This update will be kinda short bc I'm in the process of creating ANOTHER story lol. Some ppl say I'm doing too much but I don't care. I'm just putting my creativity out cuz it's fun. Anyways, enjoy all of the updates on all of my stories and remember to vote, comment and put em in yall libraries! Peace.


April 15th, 2020

8:08 a.m.

Dalvin's POV

I finally gained my consciousness back and opened my eyes. Once my eyes were fully opened, I then began to groan in pain. "Where the fuck am I?", I said with a tube in my mouth. I spat the tube out and looked around. I saw wires all over my body, a monitor facing towards me, and De next to me in a hospital bed. 

I didn't know how to react so I just started yelling and panicking. "HELP! HELP! HELP! HELP US!", I yelled. The door swung right open and two nurses came in. "Mr. DeGrate, please calm down.", one nurse said to me while the other nurse was checking my monitor.  "I'm so glad you're awake, Mr. DeGrate.", the other nurse said to me. "Where am I and what happened to me and my brother?", I asked them.

The nurses both looked at each other. The second nurse sighed and said, "Well...three weeks ago you were fatally shot several times in your stomach, chest, and the vessels of your arms while you were at a friend's house. Your brother is still unconscious and on the breathing machine. While you were fatally injured he was tryna to protect someone else and get you some help but he got hurt really bad."

"What happened to him?", I asked while looking at him. The nurse answered and said, "He battled them off but he managed to also get shot in his chest. His chest wounds are very deep and severe. His lip is busted and has two knots on his frontal lobe." "Wait, his frontal lobe? Is that damage serious to his skull?", I asked while looking at him. "That all depends on how hard the impact to his frontal lobe. We understand that he's had his skull cracked back in '93 after that home invasion. So you shouldn't have to worry about that, Mr. DeGrate. Besides ensuring that your brother is okay and can be fully conscious again, we're gonna make sure that his mental health is up to par as well. Whether he's gonna be quickly irritable, have brain damage or whatever...everyone must be gentle and cautious with him.", the nurse said.

I remained silent and nodded my head. I took a minute to myself and tried to remember what happened three weeks ago. Shit.

Inside My Thoughts

What friend's house were we at?

Weren't there other people with us? 

There should've been. Damn. Come on Dalvin, think gotdsamnit.

While I was deep within my thoughts, I heard two women crying and screaming. "Hello?", I yelled. I didn't get a response and my voice echoed.  I continued listening to the women's cries.


"Let go of me!"

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