The Kidney Transfer: An Aesthetic

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December 18, 2019

6:22 am

Today is the fucking day yall. Dyana is finally getting her kidney transfer surgery. This is only one half of the happy ending of Zhen and Dyana finally leaving the Makayla Duds Hospital but it's certainly not the end.

Devante's POV

Two days ago, Dr. Mayans had called me and told me that I needed to be ready and clean of all drugs and alcohol because I won't know when she'll be ready. I heard my phone ring and it woke me from my sleep. I answered the phone without even looking to see who it is. "Hello?", I said with a raspy voice. 

"Mr. DeGrate? I apologize for the early bird calls but Dyana is ready for her kidney transfer. We'll begin roughly around 8:15. I want you to be fully awake, eat a light breakfast like a bowl of cereal, yogurt,  or soup, and only drink water. You don't need any acids in your system so avoid orange, apple, and anything that deals with citrus.  Am I going too fast for you?", Dr. Mayans asked me.

I instantly got up from my bed and said, "No, no-no. I'm keeping up with you. Is there anything else I need to do?", I asked her. "Um..besides brushing your teeth and cleaning yourself nope.", she said. "You said 8:15 right?", I asked. "Yup 8:15. See you then Mr. DeGrate.", Dr. Mayans said before hanging up.

I gotta get my shit together. I looked at my phone and I saw the time. Shit. it's 6:45 now. I ran to my closet to grab a face and body towel and ran to my bathroom to shower. 

I stripped naked and got inside of my bigass shower. I closed my eyes and began cleaning myself.  Once I closed my eyes, I heard slow music playing.  "What the fuck?", I said while opening my eyes. My bathroom lighting changed from yellow to dark red. "The fuck is going on?", I yelled pulling my shower curtain back. 

Once I did that, there was nothing there. "Devante. Devante. Devante, wake up. It's time to go.", a woman whispered seductively in my ears. I turned around and I didn't see anybody. "If you gone keep whispering in my ear, can I at least see your face? I wanna know what you look like?", I yelled. 

After I said that, the woman still seductively whispering but she had a higher pitch tone. Then I felt a woman's hand touch and move across my back. "Why would I want to? You'll only make it less fun for us.", she said. Her hand felt warm on my back. Then she started kissing my shoulder and where most of my tattoos were on my arm.

"Who's us?", I asked her. "Just you and me. We wouldn't want you getting late for the transplant.", she said. "Then, you shouldn't be interfering with my time. Plus I still haven't seen your face.", I said. "Is that all you want? Nothing more, nothing less?", she asked me. "Yeah, and for you to move. I still need to clean myself and you running my hot water out.", I said stepping in front of the showerhead and cleaning myself.

The entire time of us talking, I still couldn't see her face which made it even more frustrating. "You really wanna see my face that bad?", her voice whispered in my ear again. "Yup. I'm not interested into whatever you tryna do either. I gotta tight ass schedule today.", I said. "Fine. I 'll show you.", she said making my bathroom pitch black.

"What the fuck happened to the light?", I asked her. She began shushing me with her finger. Her scent was so familiar. It was the sweet scent of cocoa butter. "Yes. That's it. You're getting warmer.", she said. Then the lights came back on as dark red.

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