Sleep (Harry)

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(A/n, Edited :) )

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(A/n, Edited :) )

"What do you hope Y/N will do back at home to pass the time while you've gone on tour, Harry?" Asked the interviewer closest to him.

  "Honestly," he replied, "sleep.
... I hope he rests! He barely catches a break in between work and catching events with me, he's exhausted all the time." A sympathetic smile crossed his face a moment later, remembering all the nights his loving boyfriend would come home, work late into the night signing and typing up contracts for the management agency you work for, only to get a few hours rest to make it to a morning practice between him and his band mates.
A few days later, a friend sent you this clip from Harry's recent interview while you finished up some work at home, and a your heart warmed as a smile began to spread across your face, already missing the sweet, compassionate boy you've come to give your heart to.             
You check the clock to see it's nearly 9, the time you and Harry had agreed on to call every night, find his contact, and click call.
   *Harry POV*
  I just got back to the hotel room when I hear Y/n's ringtone on my phone from my bag to "Lights Down Low"- Max, (he picked it out,); I dig through my bag quickly to make sure I catch his call,
  "On my heart where you're resting your head
And you just look so beautiful
It's like you were an angel

Can I stop the flow of time-"
I pick up,
"Hello, love."
"Hi, sweetheart." I can practically hear his sweet, sleepy smile through the phone and I feel the muscles in my chest twinge.
"How are you?" I wonder out loud, hoping for a positive response.

"I'm tired..." I try to hold back a sigh. Why can no one give him the break he deserves? Why is it so much to ask?

"But I've finished a lot

paperwork the past week to- pass the time," I tilt my head in confusion, though he obviously can't see it. "And apparently Olivia believed it earned me a few days off. Well, a work week, actually." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and couldn't fight my smile.

"I'm so happy for you, Y/n, hell if I know you deserve it. Please love, go to sleep early tonight. Spend the days catching up on your books and our phone calls. Hell, go to a party this weekend and dance the night away like I know you can, alright?" I can practically hear his drained smile, but it's a positive sign this time.

"I will. I promise. In fact, I'm-" I hear him yawn. "Really sleepy but I don't want to hang up." I lay back on my hotel bed, my hand playing with a strand of my hair as I speak. "Go to sleep, sweetheart. I'll call you in the morning. I promise." I listen in amusement to the silence of him undeniably debating with himself. Before he comes to a conclusion of which option had a longer cons list, I break the silence,

"Goodnight, Y/n. I love you." I can hear the faintest of a sigh and I have to bite my lip to refrain from giggling like a child, because I could tell he didn't mean to sigh out loud.

"Goodnight, Haz. I love you too."
"Talk to you soon." I promise, and hang up the phone, grinning. I strip of my tight formal-wear and sigh in relief as I fall back on the bed again in nothing but my boxers, and turn to look at my phone. My heart flutters at my home screen; a very sleepy me laying with a very adorable Y/n, cuddled into his chest in an early morning selfie, capturing all his wild bed-head and sleepy, happy eyes. I turn my phone screen off yet again and plug it into the charger, laying it on my bedside table before pulling the covers over myself and eventually, after several moments of craving
Y/n's warmth...managed to fall asleep without it again.

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