peace with you

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(a/n: I just want Harry's vibe of this picture, soft sweater and all incorporated into the chapter

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(a/n: I just want Harry's vibe of this picture, soft sweater and all incorporated into the chapter.)

Day 13 of quarantine: we've nearly ran out of crossword puzzles. I've spent the afternoon on the couch, lying on Harry's chest, his fingers softly running through my hair. I've been on the verge of sleep for an hour now, but it's not until the hand above me slowed and slowed to an eventual stop and I heard the soft, solid breaths of my lover that I knew it was time to close my eyes. To let myself drift into peace, knowing I was safe in his arms.

The world around us is in chaos, but here, there's an air of solitude surrounding us on this sofa. There's safety in the stillness of each other. When there's chaos, it's a beautiful chaos. Tickle-fight chases around the living room, hide and seek with the squeals of being found echoing off of the walls. It's an overwhelming sense of home.

There's slower days, sure, where boredom still lingers, but it's days like today that make it easier; Days where our interest in each other gives us all the entertainment we need.

I hear his soft snore above my head, and can't help but laugh. Just softly, before the world around me drifts away into dreams.

A/n: figured it was time for a 2020 themed chapter :/ hope you're not all too bored in quarantine, take your meds, remember to drink water and don't forget to eat, babes. I love you all. p.s. new cover 💙

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