happy new years, love 💍

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"How was that?" He asks, a small grin playing on his face

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"How was that?" He asks, a small grin playing on his face.
"Absolutely perfect, Haz." I laugh out softly after Harry finished a new lyric line and played it to see how well it fit with the melody. It's quite a bold song, and threw me into a fit of giggles the first time I read the lyrics at its' absolutely unshadowed freedom and rebellion. He's had a LOT of that lately. It's been quite refreshing.

"Can we go now, it's new years and I'd PREFERABLY like to be out of here by the time it's 2020, babe." I say, biting my smirk away and glancing at the clock. He sighs happily with a bright smile, and adjusts the sunglasses on his head before closing his eyes and just sighing again. He looks so happy. Euphoric, honestly.

"Let's go!" He shouts playfully and pulls the guitar strap over his head and placing it in the corner. He then grabs my hands and pulls me up off the studio couch with enough energy to have me right up against him. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, more cradling my head, with a shining grin and just sways us, excitedly, and has me laughing against his chest, arms around his waist, just swaying. I hear his chuckles from above my head, and it's so lighthearted. If every moment felt like this, the world would be a much easier task to face every day.

"Come on!" I grab his hands again, pulling away from him and we make our way outside to the lonely parking lot, now filled with our childish giggles, and the music from my Pandora in my pocket as we stroll down dirt roads with our hands held together towards the house, not far from the studio at all really, but still a secluded area. It's filled with nature, and hardly people, which is so relaxing.
'Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful'

  *Harry POV*
I watched Y/n's face as he guided himself without eyesight, singing in pure bliss to Marry Me. Every time he hears it, he closes his eyes to day-dream of his wedding day. Done it since he was 14. Used to imagine his dream girl, dream guy, always the romantic, but now I hope he sees me. White tuxes, baby blue accents, Marry Me in the background as we sway, his beautiful smile outshining everyone else in the room. My head resting in his shoulder as his arms pull my hips closer, whispering pretty promises in my ear.

  'Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown him my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me' I softly quote the lyrics, looking down at his smile in absolute wonder. I mean the words, but he wouldn't be able to tell. The world around him has fallen away, and there's nothing but himself and the song. And me, he interlocks our fingers and sings louder. He's thinking of me.

'Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side'
  I pull him close to me and his eyes open as my hands are now around his waist.
I lean down to his ear for the next verse.
'I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies'
His eyes sparkle, the moon bright above us as he looks deeply into my eyes, losing himself to my voice as I sing them, feeling they were wrote to him.

'And marry me...' I drag, and he looks mesmerized.
'Today and every day. Marry me..' I smile and pull his body into a tight hug, my face nearest his shoulder and ear. 'If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe..
say you will.'

'Mmm... Say you will' he sings into my neck.

'Mmm, marry me.' His voice makes me damn near melt. I've tried a thousand times to get him to sing a few lines in one of my songs, but he hasn't agreed yet. One day.

I wonder if he meant it when he sang it. I know I do, and truly hope he would. Would he marry me? Would he even be ready for me to ask for something like that? Am I even ready to ask?

"One day..." He whispers into my neck, stopping my thoughts. "One day...you're gonna marry me." I grin against his neck. That's all the confirmation I need for now. One day. I pull away from him and our faces creep closer until our lips meet in a brilliant kiss. His hand pulls my head even closer, deepening the interaction, and his lips move in matching rhythm to mine, as if we were made for this. His tongue slips into my mouth, exploring it as if it's new territory, and I can't fight my smile against his lips.

I bring my hand up to meet his hair, gripping it gently as he separates our mouths, bringing his to plant butterfly kisses against my neck from my jawline before pulling away from me, grasping my hand again, and we continue walking.

  "What's your New Year's Resolution?" He asks, looking ahead at the road.
  "Well to be honest, I forgot it was new years for about 10 minutes there." We chuckle and I pull Y/n's body into mine, my arm wrapped around him.

*y/n POV*

  "Well now that you remember, my love, what would it be?" I ask, truly curious.
  "What would you change for two-thousand and twenty?"
  "Aside from your last name?" He grins and I find myself giggling again.
  "Yes, love, aside from that." A blush slightly covers his cheeks.
  "I think... Well quite honestly... I don't think I'd change anything in my life right now. I don't know." He says, quite contently.
  "What about you?"
  "I think... I'd slow down on my cussing."
  "Well, fucking hell, good on ya!" I burst out into laughter at his teasing outburst."
  "Asshole!" I groan.
  "Well, you're doing a bloody TERRIBLE job at that resolution already!"
I can see him refraining his laughter and I check my phone.
  "Good thing that I still have 30 minutes then, dickhead."
I laugh and we walk up our driveway as he 'ha ha ha's sarcastically, still smirking.

  "30 minutes? Hm, what could we possibly do in 30 minutes?" He whispers into my ear and I lean forward, letting my teeth graze his ear before whispering, "Maybe we open a nice bottle of champagne.."
  "Mhm.." He mutters, silently urging me to continue.
  "Maybe make our way to the couch..." His smirk grows. "turn on the tv and wait for the ball to drop, I guess. Not really much else that I can think of." I pull away and smile faux-innocently, shrugging. I turn back around to see his flustered lips opening and closing like a fish out of water, drawing a quiet smirk out of me. Before he can ever think of a reply, I take his hand and meet his eyes, now looking at me hopefully, and each step I take backwards towards our bedroom increases the size of his pupils.

*long after midnight*
*Harry's POV*
I look down at Y/n's head across my chest and check my phone. I smile and hug him closer to me.
  "happy new years, love." I whisper. "don't change anything."

(A/n) I'VE MISSED YOU, LOVES! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, been a crazy week or 2, but I knew i had to update tonight. Happy new years, babes. I hope even if your 2019 was terrible, (if it was good I'm so happy for you) that 2020 will be much better for you. Please try to see the positives in your life, look for the things and people who bring your joy, hold them close. Have a wonderful year, everyone 💙 -Cameron

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