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"don't you call him baby

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"don't you call him baby.." I mutter, my ear buds in and the world around me has entirely faded away into nothingness. Only Harry's soothing voice in my ears remains as I can't even hear my own past the volume. I lay on the studio couch, eyes closed, and I don't notice that Harry's walked in, so I remain unbothered in my spot.

*third person POV*

"we're not talking lately..." Harry's head turns at the sound to see Y/n, his dark clothes blending into the couch in the dim lights of the small studio, not even enough skin showing to capture his attention when he entered the room. His eyes are closed, a peaceful expression lies on his face that captures Harry's interest as he hears his song in a new voice; one he's certainly not opposed to.

Y/n's vocals have always caught Harry by surprise, but it's not his perfection most of the time that he loves. Weirdly enough, Harry loves the mistakes Y/n makes when he's not trying to sound correct. The flaws don't feel like flaws, and he catches his voice slightly off-tune more than once. It's charming, really, to see that he's not perfect. Sometimes, you'd believe he is. The way Harry does.

From his wide-toothed grin to the way he manages to share it with a room of people, even if he's never even met them. It's like a wildfire that sets Harry's cheeks aflame and heart aflutter when it's directed toward him. His heart hasn't been so misbehaving since Lou, but he's welcome to it. One thing he could have with Y/n that he couldn't with Louis is the right to tell whoever the fuck he wanted about their relationship, but he doesn't care to think about Louis at the moment. He's not who's in front of him right now, and probably won't be again. Y/n isn't going anywhere.

His smile isn't a faded memory that is trying to be let go of, painful to look at. It could be right in front of him with one God-awful knock knock joke. Harry hasn't forgotten those. He sits on an ottoman placed in front of the couch that the other young man is laid across carelessly and looks across Y/n's soft face, his eyes occasionally flinching in an emotional response to Haz's words as he sung them.

"don't you call him what you used to call me..." He carried the note out flawlessly and it made Harry involuntarily shiver as he grinned.

*Harry POV*

One of these days, he will sing verses in my songs, at least one of them, he has to. But until then, I'll take these moments where he doesn't know he has an audience and feels no need for perfection. By the time the song ends, his eyes open to change the music and he jumps at the sight of me, his hand now clutching his mouth, and he nearly rolls over the back of the couch.

I can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard, nearly rolling on the floor; He pants to catch his breath while a grin spreads across his face watching me.

"You scared the shit out of me!" He giggles, barely breathing the words.

I catch my own breath and smile, "Sorry, sorry, I was just listening." A confused look passes his face for a moment before he breaks into giggles.

"I forgot I was singing, actually." I nearly laugh myself, but I'm distracted at a hand grabbing hold of my own. I look up and have barely enough time to register Y/n pulling me on top of his chest. I land my head into the crook of his neck carefully and feel his arms snake around my waist as he rests a hand on the small of my back, and one higher up my spine. I soak in his warmth and his faint cologne with a smirk.

*Reader POV*

I can't help but feel a blissful sigh escape my lips above Haz's head, blowing strands of his hair back. He shivered slightly at the motion and it brings the corners of my mouth up a bit.

"How has your day been, Hazza?"

"Quite well, actually. Busy this is really nice." He mumbles into my upper collarbone, where his lips rest, tickling me slightly as he speaks. I squirm slightly and he leaves a soft kiss on my collarbone to ease the strange feeling he left.

"How was your day?" He asks, lifting his head a decent amount away from my skin first.

"Boring." I smile into his hair, kissing his head.
"Was, at least." I leave another kiss to the top of his head, then his temple, and eventually just start leaving them everywhere. I pull him up to face me and his green rings surrounding his large pupils get hard to see as his eyelashes flutter shut. I leave a kiss on his cheek, chin, nose, and butterfly kisses on his closed eyelids. His face softens more and more with each peck.

"It's late. Let's go home, yeah?" I mutter, seeing his smile never fade or falter.

"Yeah. Let's go home."

(A/n) guys, I know it's been forever, I'm sorry, I hope you enjoy this chapter 💙 PLEASE like and comment, hopefully see you soon

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