His Light

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Louis and Harry used to date near the early stages of their band, One Direction, after it was formed, but after about a year, it just all felt like a relationship was too much for the both of them because of such busy schedules

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Louis and Harry used to date near the early stages of their band, One Direction, after it was formed, but after about a year, it just all felt like a relationship was too much for the both of them because of such busy schedules. Mixing work and play was never a good idea for a relationship anyway. They've now been mutually broken up for a few months, and their new management team brought in a new, young agent,
Y/n Y/l/n, to help the boys with their newest album.

Louis is still very much in love with Harry, and feels quite melancholic over their separation.

Lately, he's noticed a difference in the way the other boy has acted around their new agent. Not as if he's flirting with Y/n, but how Harry's face just seems to light up when Y/n enters the room. His eyes seem alert and happier, and his infectious smile is always on talking to Y/n.

During the filming of a music video, from across the room, Louis could see Y/n stick his tongue out at Harry, and Harry's face lit up again *gif* as he laughed brightly. It made Louis' heart ache but he just wanted the best for Harry. If Harry's happiness would be brought by pursuing Y/n, then that's just what he should do. Louis knows that. Harry's happiness would always be the most important thing to him.

(A/n) I am a definite Larry shipper, so please don't come after me lol 😂 but leave any ideas for a new chapter in the comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Might do a double post tonight

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