Can't Hide pt. 1

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 "'s been a year. This is killing me, I never want to force something on you but I can't keep hiding us."
As you finished your sentence, your voice broke, as you looked toward the ground, trying to hide the tears threatening to pour from your exhausted eyes. You heard Harry sniffle, doing the same because of how much this has been hurting you both.

*gif is Harry when you tell him how you feel*
Harry met you backstage at a One Direction concert in Los Angeles, and your surprisingly calm attitude, beautiful smile and utterly sparkling personality just nearly stopped his heart. He asked you for your number, and seeing as that was his last stop on tour, took you on a date that next weekend. Both of you were obsessed with each other, but management hadn't given you permission to come out until 6 months later.
It had been a year. Harry was scared of the public knowing about your relationship, Larry shippers attacking you, and...he hadn't even come out to his family. You respected his time and want to wait, because coming out isn't something you can rush, but it's been a year now. A year of seeing girls and men constantly all over Harry, being stuck in a hotel room while he went clubbing with the boys, but not you, a year of having that anxiety that no one will ever see that Harry is yours...and you're his.
As beautiful and strong as your relationship was, there was always that un-missable gap that just grew over time. You loved Harry more than words could describe. Harry was more in love with you than he could have imagined possible, so even he could sense that soon, you'd break under the pressure of the blanket covering your two's truth. He nearly already had.
"I'm so sorry." He spoke in a sob, pulling you into his chest where you both broke down into tears.
"I'm sorry, Y/n, I never wanted you to hurt, love, i'm sorry." He said, trying to pause his flow of tears, and sniffling while pulling you up to face him. Your eyes were red, and splotches of red covered both your faces.
"wow...we're horribly ugly criers." You laughed softly together.
"Speak for yourself." He laughed at the roll of your eyes above your small smirk. A silence passed between the two of you for a moment before Harry broke it.
"Tomorrow...when I go to see my parents. I'll tell them. I'll call Gemma, and...will you come with me?"
"Yes, of course. If you're sure." You said warily, not wanting the hope rising in your chest to be false.
"I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything." He spoke clearly, against the roughness of his slightly sob-raw voice. You smiled, brushing a piece of his beautiful brown hair out of his face, looking at the mess of it from him running his hands through it and chuckling softly, brushing it with your hands as he closed his eyes and melted into your touch. You smiled at his pure expression and your hand moved down from Harry's hair to his cheek as his eyes slowly opened.
You glanced down at the boys' pretty lips, smiling when you noticed he was doing the same towards you. You started to lean closer to him and as his eyes fluttered shut, pressed your lips softly against his.
"I love you." You muttered as you kissed him again, his hands snaking around your neck as yours wrapped around his waist. You tugged him closer and he groaned against your mouth, loving the feeling of being pushed against your body.
"Fuck, I love you too." He mumbled. be continued...

(A/n) hey, dearest human! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, this will be the first of a two part series, and comment if you want the next chapter to finish the little scene I left here for you, otherwise the next chapter will start as a day-after! Don't forget to vote!

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