Meeting Ross Lynch (A Ross Lynch Fanfic)

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Chapter 17: My alarm went off several hours later. I reached over and pressed the snooze button and fell asleep again. About 10 minutes later it went off again. I sat up and turned it off. I sat there for a few minutes and rubbed my eyes. I got up and got dressed then went downstairs for breakfast. I was still half asleep and I ran into someone. I assumed it was Cole. "Watch where you're going Cole!" I said. I wasn't in the mood to put up with him right now. "I'm not Cole. I'm Ross," the guy said. I felt like a total idiot then. Yelling at Ross was the last thing I wanted to do. "I'm sorry. Usually Cole's the one I run into like that," I said. It was true. I always did run into Cole like that every morning. "It's okay. I understand," Ross told me. I rubbed my eyes and hugged him. A hug from Ross was what I wanted to start my day. He was so warm and smelled so good. I loved how he felt so strong. "Come on. We're gonna be late to school," he said as he handed me an apple. I took it from him and grabbed my backpack. Cole was already out the door. He must really want to see Stacy, I thought. Ross and I followed him out the door and to school. The morning went by pretty fast. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch. Ross, Cole, Stacy, and I walked to lunch together. We got our lunch then went outside to eat. Stacy and Cole were flirting like crazy and Ross and I were just sitting there watching. I went to put my hand on the ground but put my hand on Ross' instead. I felt this amazing feeling flow through me. About 5 minutes later lunch was over. And in no time school was out for Christmas break. Cole and Stacy walked home while Ross and I went to his house. We ate dinner and played video games. I killed Ross in Mario Kart and he was acting mad about it. I went home and got ready for the dance about an hour later. I looked so pretty. I hope Ross will like this dress, I thought. Everything I thought about was about him.

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