Meeting Ross Lynch (A Ross Lynch Fanfic)

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Chapter 18: After about 15 minutes of teasing from my brothers I got ready. I curled my hair again and did my make up super pretty. I put on Strike A Rose pink BabyLips then helped Cole fix his hair. He looked so handsome. No wonder Stacy liked him. I fixed his hair to where it was like Shane Harper's. I finished when there was a knock on the door. Cole went downstairs and I got my gray sparkly high heels on. "Tori, Ross is here!" my mom yelled from downstairs. Yes! I thought. I fastened my shoes and walked to the stairs. "Coming!" I yelled from the top and started walking down them. Ross' mouth dropped open when he saw me. I smiled and stepped off the last stair. Ross walked over to me and said, "Woah. You look amazingly beautiful." I started to blush and acted shy. My mom, Cole, and Stacy smiled and said, "Awwwww." That only made me blush more. "Thanks. You look really handsome." I said back to Ross. He blushed really dark and put his hand on the back of his neck. I swear I heard Cole whisper, "That's proof that he likes you." I smiled and wanted to kiss his cheek but decided not to. Not yet anyway. "Picture time," said my mom with a smile. Cole and I took our pictures together first. Then Stacy and Cole got theirs and Ross and I got ours after them. Ross stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist in one. Gosh, I love when he does that, I thought. I really liked him and I hoped he knew that. After the pictures we left for the dance. When we got there Cole, Stacy, Ross, and I got our couple pictures taken together then we walked further into the gym towards the dance floor. They were playing some upbeat music that was fun to dance to. Please play a slow song soon, I thought. I really wanted to dance with him. We hung out with his friends and their dates then hung out by ourselves for a while. It's been about a half hour since we got there and still no slow song. I was getting kind of upset about it but the dance was on until 11 and it was only 7:30. I knew they had to play a slow song soon. 

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