Indiana Jones [13]

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Nicole stared out the window of Dean's impala at the multi-colored sky. The mixture of cool colors dared to drown her in her previous despair, but she didn't let it.

"You thinking about poems?" Dean smirked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at the eldest Winchester brother.

"No, I'm thinking about how long it would take to kill everyone in this car." She shrugged with an innocent smile.

"That's not very long. All you'd have to do is take out Dean, then we'd be pretty vulnerable cause he's in the driver's seat." Sam pointed out. Dean scoffed at the two, who seemed to be plotting his death.

"Yeah, basically, but then again, you could take the wheel." She told him. He shrugged.

"Can we not talk about this, please?" Dean asked rather loudly. The two chuckled among themselves.

"So, how long until we reach Wilmington?" Nicole asked as she tapped Dean's neck lightly.

"Just an hour."

"Good, I gotta pee soon." She huffed as she leaned back in her seat. Dean chuckled at her, realizing how much she reminded him of himself.

"Yeah, we need to stop soon. Kinda feeling cooped up in here." Sam mumbled sleepily as he shifted to face away from Dean in his seat.

  "Hey, look. A conveniently placed town with a five-star road system." Dean smiled sarcastically as his car began to tread rocks. Nicole chuckled, closing her eyes to enjoy the sound of pebbles and sand mixing against Dean's tires.

"Hey, do you guys see anyone?" Dean asked as he slowed the car down to a stop and glanced around the seemingly empty town they'd just pulled into. Nicole sat up and looked around too, but she saw no one.

"Is this town abandoned?" Nicole asked, noticing the condition of the run-down buildings. Dean shrugged and pressed forward, trying to find some type of gas station.

"Wait a minute.." Nicole narrowed her eyes at her surroundings, noticing the country look it had. The buildings didn't look like normal buildings in a city, but instead wood buildings side by side with push doors.

  "This is sketchy." Sam mumbled quietly. Dean grunted in agreement.

  "There really is no one-" Dean's sentence was cut off by a loud gunshot, and a bullet smashed through both his and Sam's window. He slammed on the breaks and the three ducked down as they scrambled to find a weapon. Nicole grabbed her all-black shotgun, pushed her back against the backside of the front seats, and aimed outside of her own window. Dean flashed her a look, and she reached over to roll the window down. Another gunshot, and a bullet landed in the backseat. Dean grunted angrily, and Nicole faced her attention to the direction the gunshots were coming from. Finally, she found the source.

  "Left side." She announced before beginning to fire at the top level window of an old pub. Dean aimed a small gray pistol and opened fire as well, and ended up blowing out a few windows. Nicole hit the target they were aiming for, and a large yowl was heard as a man fell to the side and out of view. More bullets came towards the impala.

"Dean, step on it!" Sam shouted, hopping back up into his seat. Dean slammed his foot onto the accelerate pedal, and Nicole was slammed against the backseat as a bullet landed in her right arm. She shouted in pain and twisted in her seat to grab her wounded arm.

"Cole!" Sam grunted with horror. He pulled the blue plaid flannel off of himself and reached back to wrap it around her arm. She grunted as the fabric made contact with her open skin, and bit her tongue to keep from crying.

"Was she hit?" Dean grunted above the loud gunshots.

"Yeah, we need to get some antibiotics fast. It's large."

"That's what she said." Nicole shouted louder than she wanted to. Sam flashed her an exasperated look.

"You've been shot and you're still crackin' pervy jokes?" Dean asked, glancing back at her in his mirror. She smiled sloppily, moving her hand to hold the blood soaked flannel.

"Got a problem with that?" She asked jokingly. Sam shook his head, and Dean smiled.

"That's my girl!"

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