Secret [20]

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Nicole stared at Dean as he argued with Bobby and Rufus. Something about the way he flailed his arms and pointed at Rufus angrily made her twitchy.

"You okay, Cole?" Sam asked as he watched her twitch for the third time. He'd noticed that was something she did when she was nervous. Nicole turned her head to look at him and put on a fake smile, nodding her head, then returning her gaze outside. He looked her up and down curiously, then adjusted himself in his seat so he was facing her.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or am I gonna call Cas to have him tell me what's wrong?" He smiled mischievously. She sighed and turned to face Sam, knowing Castiel would have full access to her head if he could manage to get his fingers to her forehead. The boys had told her about his ability to do things like that, and she'd always been careful around him since. She had stuff going around in her head that no one could know, not even the boys. Not even Dean Winchester.

"Seeing Dean fight with Bobby and Rufus is kinda messing with me. Angry men are..." She trailed off, looking away from Sam's blue-gray eyes. He nodded and stood up, making his way outside to the three men that were still bickering. He looked as if he was yelling as he pointed back at Nicole. Dean's emerald orbs met Nicole's and she retracted in her seat as he gave a remorseful look. Sam walked back towards Bobby's house, pulling Dean by his ear and Bobby and Rufus by their shirts. He kicked the door open, throwing the boys inside before shutting the door gently. Nicole caught Dean's eye as he adjusted himself and cleared his throat.

"Well?" Sam asked sternly, his arms crossed impatiently. Rufus spoke first.

"We're sorry that we were bickering." He said flatly, giving his daughter-like figure a pitiful look.

"We're idiots." Bobby chimed in.

"We're also sorry we made you uncomfortable. It's our job as your protectors to make you feel safe, and we failed." Dean ended the big apology with his head dipped. Sam looked over at Nicole, who smiled lightly.

"Thank you, Sammy." She told the youngest Winchester brother with a still apparent grin.

"Just doing my job, Cole." He nodded. Nicole turned to look at the three men in front of her.

"You're all forgiven, but next time I'll come after you myself, you hear?" She asked, pointing at each one of them.

"Yes, Cole." They all echoed.

"What were you guys even bickering about, anyway?" She asked as she stood up and crossed her arms. Every man in the room immediately said a completely different thing, and Nicole paused.

"It's about..." Bobby started, but Dean nudged him. Nicole eyed Bobby suspiciously, and began walking toward Dean slowly. He looked at her, his eyes wide. She stood less than a foot away from him and narrowed her eyes at him. He smiled nervously.

"Dean Winchester." She stated after a few silent seconds. He jumped slightly, almost making Nicole laugh.

"Yes?" He asked, his voice cracking a small bit. Sam snickered a little, but stopped as Nicole gave him a sharp look. She leaned into Dean's left ear and whispered something that would haunt Dean forever.

"If you don't tell me your secret, I will crash the Impala into the nearest body of water."

"You... I-..." He couldn't seem to get any words out as she returned to her normal stance.

"You wouldn't.." He finally answered, his eyes wide. She held up her hand to swirl his car keys on her pinky finger. He gasped and patted his pockets where his keys would have been.

"She.. how-..." He gawked as he pointed at her and looked at the boys. All three of them shrugged. Dean sighed and hung his head.

"What'd she say?" Sam asked, slightly scared as well. He looked up at his younger brother.

"She threatened Baby." He whined. Sam's eyebrows raised.

"Low blow, Cole." He mumbled. She shrugged and looked back over at Dean, who now looked anxious.

"I have to tell her." He sighed, mostly talking to himself. Nicole watched him patiently.

"Nicole," Bobby started. Dean turned away from her, not wanting her to see the disappointment on his face when she speaks again.

"Rufus and I were protecting you." Bobby told her, choosing his words widely. She raised an eyebrow, confusion written all over her face.

"What, you think Dean isn't qualified to protect me?" She asked, getting protective of him almost instantly. Bobby sighed.

"We were protecting you from him." He explained further.

"What are you talking about?" Nicole answered, eyeing Dean suspiciously.

"Cole, they were telling him he couldn't be with you." Sam tried to tell her softly. Her eyebrows furrowed even more, stepping away from all the boys.

"What? Dean is one of my closest friends, why can't he be around me?" She asked, and Dean retracted even more at the words she spoke. He stepped past Rufus and Bobby and went for the door, but Sam blocked him, grabbing his shoulder.

"Just... stay. She needs to hear it from you." Sam nodded to him. He shook his head initially, but Sam gave him a forward look. He stopped and sighed, then turned around.

"They don't want me to be with you in a different way. They're protecting you from me because I'm..." Dean struggled to find the words he was looking for. Nicole paused, looking into his enchanting green eyes, and he met hers.

"You're what?" She asked, dipping her head slightly. He sighed.

"I'm not right for you, Nicole. I'm attracted to you. You're funny, gorgeous, and could kill anything with ease. You're the perfect hunter, and you make me really happy. I'm not what you deserve, and that's what they were telling me. They were trying to keep me away from you." Dean sighed, then pushed his brother out of the way to exist Bobby's house.

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