Hurt [25]

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Nicole bit her bottom lip, knowing that Sam was about to chew Dean's ear off. Sam locked eyes with Dean, hurrying towards them. As soon as he made it over, Dean smiled cheekily.

"Sammy, great of you to join the party." Dean smiled, slightly nervous. Sam's arm recoiled before hitting Dean square in the jaw. Dean grunted, reaching to grab a napkin for his bleeding mouth.

"Yeah, I deserve that."

"Sam, that's enough." Nicole warned the taller Winchester brother. He looked over at her and inspected her appearance.

"Either you're a Led Zeppelin fan like my brother, or I have to kill him." He spoke, noticing Dean's shirt on her. She glanced over at Dean.

"Guess I'm a Led Zeppelin fan now." She smiled. Sam's nostrils flared as he turned back to his brother, his hands clenching into tight fists.

"Sammy, don't." Nicole told him, pulling on the coat sleeve closest to her. He took a breath and faced Dean again, this time with his arms crossed.

"Why didn't you tell me where you were or where you were going?" He asked, tapping his foot. Dean didn't have to think about his answer.

"I thought you were being driven by Rufus, I kinda didn't feel like having my door kicked down in the middle of the night." He smiled. Sam narrowed his eyes at his older brother, skeptical of his answer.

"What did you guys do?" He asked, locking his jaw afterwards. Dean looked over at Nicole and she shook her head, motioning for him not to say.

"Watched chick-flicks and ate popcorn all night." Dean smiled innocently.

"Dean!" Sam growled, bawling up his fists.

"Alright, that's enough." Nicole snapped at the boys, causing Sam to look down at her. She pointed to the seat next to her then crossed her arms, meaning for Sam to sit down. When he did, she unfolded her arms and glanced at them both.

"Sam, you have to accept that Dean and I are a thing now. I know you want to protect me, but I promise you that I'm protected completely." Nicole told the youngest Winchester brother softly, reaching over to place her hand over his. He yanked it away, giving her a disgusted look.

"I'm sorry, what?" Sam snapped, looking over at Dean with a hard stare. Nicole ignored the hurt feeling she had in the pit of her stomach and looked over at Dean as well.

"What? Why are you both looking at me now?"

"Dean, how could you be stupid enough to date her?" Sam spat, not thinking about what he was saying. Nicole's mouth dropped and her eyes filled with tears, having misunderstood what Sam was trying to say. She began gathering her stuff quickly.

"Sam!" Dean snapped angrily, making him realize what he had just done.

"Wait, Nicole that's not what I meant-" Sam started but Nicole shook her head.

"No, it's okay Sam, I know w-what you meant. Y-you're right, anyway." She stuttered, hurrying to stand up and slide out of the booth she sat in.

"Cole-" Sam started as Dean stood up to follow her. It wasn't long before Nicole was gone and Dean was hurrying after her. Sam stopped and looked down at the booth table, conflicted between his emotions. On one hand, he was mad at Dean for risking Nicole's safety, and on the other hand he felt terrible for wording his anger at Dean the way he did and hurting Nicole's feelings. He stood from the booth, making his way outside to his car and climbing in. He rested his hands on the steering wheel and huffed, closing his eyes. He knew he had to find Nicole before she did something potentially harmful, and because he needed to apologies for what he did.

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