The Simple Things [31]

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Nicole laid on her motel bed with her arm crossed over her eyes. Sam and Dean were mumbling softly to each other about the Djinn case, not wanting to disturb her.

"What are we going to do about this?" Sam asked calmly. Dean leaned forward in his seat.

"I don't know, but we can't bring her on this case, it's too dangerous." He told him sternly.

"What, are you insane? She's capable and a good hunter, she'll be fine. Plus, we need the help." Sam argued back.

"It's too dangerous, we both almost died last time!" Dean growled in a whisper.

"That's only because there was a kid!" Sam retaliated.

"Dean." Dean leaned back in his seat and turned to look at Nicole.

"Hm?" He hummed loudly enough that he could hear her.

"Come here, now." She told him. Dean flashed his brother a terrified look, and Sam returned it, then ushered him forward with his hand. He stood up and walked to the opposite side of the bed that Nicole was laying on. She reached over and grabbed his wrist, yanking him onto the bed as he squeaked in shock. Sam snickered quietly.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" Dean asked as he gently brushed a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear. She sighed and flipped around, looking up at him.

"I'm sad. I don't want to be sad, make me not sad." She told him. He flashed her a puzzled look before she turned again on her right side and pressed herself against him, resting her forehead on his chest so she could smell his cologne. He glanced at Sam, who looked just as puzzled, before laying down and wrapping his right arm around her waist.

"Uh, okay then."

"Shut up, Sam." Both Dean and Nicole echoed.

"I think it's bed time, Sammy." Dean told his brother as he shifted his head so his chin lay on top of Nicole's head.

"Yup, on it." Sam didn't hesitate to crawl into his own bed, shutting their lamps off and getting comfortable.

"Goodnight, beautiful." Dean whispered into Nicole's ear, and she hummed back softly.

Beer, Sarcasm, and The Job | Dean Winchester x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora