Angel [15]

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"So, what's the plan?" Dean asked as he sharpened his favorite knife. Nicole raised her eyebrows at him.

"The plan is to not kill a king-sized snake with that thing. Dean, this snake is bigger than you, Sammy and I combined. Killing it with that is like killing a crocodile with a toothpick, are you stupid?" Nicole smirked. Dean looked down at his knife then back up at her with a fake offended look. Sam held out his fist and Nicole gave him a fist-bump.

"Oh my god, you're like the little sister I never wanted." Dean huffed as he continued to sharpen his knife. Sammy chuckled.

"Awe, thanks Dee." Nicole cooed as she tilted her head. He glanced up at her with an annoyed look, making her giggle.

"Are you two done flirting yet?" Sam asked with a smirk towards Dean. Nicole didn't catch the warning glare the eldest Winchester brother gave Sam back.

"I dunno, Sammy, are you done being a nerd yet?" Nicole retorted as she dug in the motel refrigerator. Dean laughed at his now slightly annoyed brother. Nicole pulled three beer bottles out and checked the expiration date.

"Beer." She said before tossing two of the bottles at two opposite ends of the room. Dean struggled to catch his while Sam simply reached up to grab it from the air, not even looking up from his book. Nicole snickered as Dean looked over at his brother in disbelief.

"You make things look so easy, Sam." Nicole sighed as she popped the cap off of her bottle to take a drink of it. She stopped when the room got significantly colder. She looked up and pulled her pistol from her back pocket to aim it at the young looking man in the middle of the room.

"Hey!" She shouted to get the boy's attention. Dean immediately jumped up and held his hand out towards her.

"Cole, don't shoot!" Sam shouted as he jumped up as well. The man looked over at her, his face showing no signs of fear.

"Who is this?" Nicole asked, still pointing her pistol at his chest.

"He's a friend." Dean reassured her.

"A friend?" She asked, tilting her gun slightly.

"Yes. Now, can you put the gun down, Ted Bundy?" Dean teased. She rolled her eyes and scoffed, but did as he asked.

"Cas, thanks for interrupting our afternoon pleasantries." Dean growled as he and Sam took their seats.

"What can we do for you?" Sam added, trying to overpower his brother's grumpy nature.

"Who's this?" The man asked as he pointed to Nicole. She raised her gun to him again with her eyebrows raised.

"Cole." Dean warned her. She huffed and shoved the gun in her back pocket again.

"My name is Nicole. Current protector of the Winchester boys, since they get into trouble non-stop apparently." She answered him as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hello. I am Castiel, an angel of the lord." The man nodded his head towards her. She whipped her gun out again and pointed it at him.

"An angel?" She shouted, and the boys immediately hopped up again.

"Cole, don't." Sam warned her. She flashed him an angry look that would scare Lucifer himself. He felt like withdrawing under her gaze, but he fought against doing so.

"You boys have connections with an angel? You morons, do you even realize how dangerous that is?" She shouted, looking over at Dean now. Castiel took a step towards her and she returned her gaze to him, letting her hand tighten on her pistol.

"Yes, we know. Cas isn't like the other angels. He's saved our bacon more times than we can count." Dean reassured her. She looked back over at the angel in front of her. He wore a long brown trench coat, and a suit underneath. He had beautiful baby blue eyes and a surprisingly handsome face.

"You chose a handsome vessel, Castiel." She pointed out. His eyes softened, and he dipped his head to thank her.

"But you're still an angel." She finished, shifting her body to aim better. Sam and Dean shared the same worried glance.

"Cole, please." Dean pleaded, and she looked over at his beautiful green orbs. They were the same eyes she'd grown fond of over the past couple days. They made her feel at home and protected.

"Do you trust me?" Dean asked as he moved over to stand in front of Castiel. The angel flashed him a confused look.

"Why are you so close to me?"

"Shut up Cas." The brothers echoed each other.

"Dean, he's an angel-"

"Nicole, do you trust me?" Dean cut her off and smiled, his bright white teeth greeting her. She mentally fought with herself before she grunted and shoved her gun in her back pocket.

"Thank you, really. Cas is a really good friend." Sam told her sincerely.

"Yeah yeah. What, you want a sticker? Move it." She growled at him. Sam took that as his cue to sit back down, and Nicole returned her eyes to Castiel as he turned to give Dean a hug. Dean shot Nicole a slightly annoyed face and awkwardly patted Castiel back. Once Dean broke free, he gave Castiel a confused look.

"What was that about, skipper?" He asked as he sat back down on his temporary bed. Castiel's eyebrows furrowed.

"My name is Castiel. Are you feeling unwell?" He asked, reaching over to feel Dean's forehead. Dean swatted his hand away.

"I know, Cas. Why'd you hug me?"

"I have learned that hugging one can bring happiness. You need a lot of happiness, Dean." Castiel nodded. Nicole and Sam snickered.

"I'm starting to like your friend." Nicole told Dean as she pointed at Castiel and took a swig of her beer.

Beer, Sarcasm, and The Job | Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now