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Ok, hello there, name's Lucy Wilson. Now what you are about to read is basically my entire life. Like any other little miracle of life brought into the world; The doctors declaring your assigned gender, either boy or girl. For my case I was born a healthy little baby girl. Sounds great, right? WRONG! I was actually very, very, VERY different from all the rest of the kids. I was transgender. Meaning my identity and gender didn't match up with the gender I was physically born as. But more on that stuff later.

As for my parents ... well lets just say ... they're a little bit religious. So they were against these sort of things. So as you can probably take a hint, my life was gonna be a rough, bumpy ride.
It was a cold December morning, 5:50AM to be exact, when my father rushed my mom to the Miriam Hospital. It wasn't until 12:15PM that I was finally born. "Congratulations on giving birth to a healthy baby girl Mrs. Wilson!" said the doctor. My mother teared up in joy as the doctor handed me over to her. "Mari, she looks just like you, a beautiful girl soon to grow into a mature, young woman." my father said with delight. "Oh Gorge, she looks like both of us hun, not just me. But, she's our little lucky child. I think we'll name her Lucy, for the luck that she is."

Once my mom was finally emitted out of the hospital, they returned home with me bundled up in the most soft pink blanket (which I still have till this day). Like any other parent in the world, they were kind and loving to their baby "girl". While I was growing up and pretty fast, they wanted to spoil me. They did a great job on keeping that a promise, taking me to the zoo, water-parks, mall, camping, ect.

The day I turned 2 was a pretty exciting day for all of us. I can't really remember it all but, we drove down to this pretty big house. From what I had seen were a lot of kids, teens, toddlers even some animals gather at this big couch-window area. To be honest I actually thought my mom and dad were gonna dump me off at this place. I sunk down into the car seat I was buckled into, feeling fright consume me. Mom came around back, unbuckled me and held me in her arms. My head immediately buried itself into her shoulders. As we walked in through these big black doors all the kids that were at the window scrambled to their beds or play areas.

Mom and dad had talked to this other woman, something about kids ... I think. Sadly that day my little eyes were getting tired, so I missed what was even going on. Before I had known it I woke up buckled into my car seat once more. "Well hello my sleeping beauty." father chuckled. I giggled, turned my head and to my surprise, there sat a young boy maybe 2 years older than me. Short brown hair, bright grassy green eyes, some freckles across from check to check and milky white skin like mine.

Surely I did smile at this. Knowing I now finally had a sibling I could talk to and play with. Though deep down inside I knew I was different and unhappy about my own gender that was on the outside. At that age and throughout, until I had hit puberty, I use to call it the "Fake me" and that WAS true. On-top of that I was even saying "mommy, daddy I'm a boy inside! I'm your little boy!" But they just blew me off, thinking I was playing around or pretending to be the other gender. Seeing as they just ignored me from this, I tended to brush it off thinking maybe it was all just a phase, that something was maybe just wrong with me or the fact I was just being weird.

A couple years passed, my adopted brother, Caleb, now 6 and me, now at the age of 4. Our parents decided it was time to enroll us into school. The thing that took me into complete shock, was this school wasn't like most. It was split into 2 sides, one for only the girls and one for only the boys. Devastated, I went into the most loudest wailing crying fit I had ever had.

Locked Away Vol. 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin